Agenda Housekeeping: Syllabus Page Art Movements Presentations ◦ Fine arts vs. modern design pieces response Past Design Technology Introduction of Artist PowerPoint Assignment Visual Hierarchy Homework: Next time bring any markers, colored pencils, etc. (at least your regular PENCIL)
Housekeeping Collect Syllabi through DyKnow (if you forgot I need it signed by next class!)
Hollis Chapter One: Using highlighted copy of handout you read, answer the following questions: 1. What did the author say could give a “voice” to text? 2. What were some of the graphic design professions before the term “graphic designer” was coined? (before the middle of the twentieth century) 3. According to the author, what are the three primary roles or functions of graphic design?
Art Movements Mini Presentations Take notes on styles Arts & Crafts Movement Art Nouveau Bauhaus Art Deco Surreal Pop Art
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Last time… We looked at 6 major art movements that had a big impact on graphic design Today: How did artists create those designs? What tools did they use and what does that have to do with our designs today?
Ye Olde Ways To Create a Design Typesetting & Woodblock prints Cutting & Pasting on an Art Board… Linotype Machine
Cutting and Pasting on an Art Board
Before “Graphic Designer” Copywriter: creates the text in a design piece that promotes the business, person, or idea Typographer: Plans and gives the instructions for setting type Illustrators: create drawings Layout artists: received type instructions and elements from the typesetter and made the final arrangement on the page
Changing Design 1950s- modern graphic design is emerging ◦ with specific audience ◦ copy writers and art directors begin working more closely together ◦ “clear communication” more of a factor
Photomontage Then… An old technique we now do on the computer easily Collage style “Combination printing” (printing more than one negative on a paper)
…Photomontage Now Many pieces you see (and will make) are Digital Photomontage pieces
Lithography Senefelder invents lithography Before they used woodblock prints Later, color lithography used many stones to produce a range of colors Eventually Cheret began four color printing ◦ This was more closely related to the four color printing process of today. Still using “offset lithography.”
Lithography Advances in lithography made the poster a big Graphic Design format! Based on the principal that oil and water do not mix tch?v=JHw5_1Hopsc The modern process is known as “Offset Lithography”
Offset Lithography The Modern Process…
Artist PowerPoints Throughout the semester you will each be presenting information about an artist or designer important to graphic design or its history You will sign up for your artist and I will assign dates for your presentation day There will be a multiple choice/matching quiz after everyone has presented And now…Ms. Dodson’s “awesome” sample Artist PowerPoint!
Visual Hierarchy Visual hierarchy: arranging pieces of your design according to emphasis ◦ In other words, where do you want the viewer to look first, second? The placement, size, color, and “visual weight” of something in your design will be how you show clear visual hierarchy
Visual Hierarchy Balancing a lot of copy (or text/written info) Draw the viewer in with clear visual hierarchy…and then they will read the important details
Bad visual hierarchy When everything is equally important then nothing is important Everything is too much the same size and same emphasis
Visual Hierarchy: Nerd Humor Obviously the designer had made the visual hierarchy so you naturally do The opposite of what they are asking in the actual text. Oh…funny.
Visual Hierarchy breakdown With your partner, look through some design pieces and break down into the order of the visual hierarchy; scan your group’s favorite example Use Word to clearly circle and label different pieces as you explain your piece’s visual hierarchy Save to your Graphic Design folder, as “Visual Hierarchy” and submit through DyKnow Word Document:
Visual Hierarchy… What do you think the hierarchy is in the following pieces?
Drawing on Paper to Drawing on Screen The Hollis chapter also referenced the fact that designers often go through many drafts of a piece Hand sketching is usually involved before a designer ever goes to the computer Sketching is like planning or writing a “first draft”
Homework: Next time bring any markers, colored pencils, etc. (at least your regular PENCIL)