Funding a new model of church 2 Welcome Opening Prayer Introductions and video 2
Funding a new model of church 3 Five principles behind the remit (1) use Mission & Service to fund mission and ministry activities (2) fund governance and support services of other courts/councils by assessing communities of faith/pastoral charges (3) share assessments equitably across the whole church (4) permit Conferences/presbyteries/regional councils to use additional resources for regional purposes (5) encourage sharing of all resources across the church 3
Funding a new model of church 4 Replaces our current assessment, this would not add on top of it Assessment would fund governance and support services across the church Churches provide a proportionate share The size and scope of denominational governance and support services would be directly linked to finances of congregations Voluntary Mission & Service givings would be focused on mission and ministry Fundamental changes in remit 4 4
Funding a new model of church 5 Current funding model Existing assessments fund: Close to 100% of presbytery budgets ( some have investment income) 10% to 60% of Conference budgets ZERO % of denominational budget Mission & Service funds: Six program areas: direct grants and program costs, including staff and support services % of Conference operating costs So why make this change? 5
Funding a new model of church 6 Proposed funding model Proposed assessments fund: Governance and support services at regional and denominational levels Mission & Service funds: Mission and ministry at regional and denominational levels including direct grants and program costs So why make this change? 6
Funding a new model of church 7 The assessment is fair and transparent A more sustainable and compelling model for both (1)denominational governance and support services and (2)mission and ministry Maintain existing levels of global and Canadian granting AND potentially increase it Make funding the work of the church more understandable and compelling to future generations So why make this change? 7
Funding a new model of church 8 There would be a clear line drawn between funds used for (a) governance and support services and (b) mission and ministry Potential for increasing Mission & Service giving which funds mission and ministry A new way to slice the Mission & Service pie 8
Funding a new model of church 9 To date Mission & Service funds are allocated to programming, but as other revenue sources decline, these funds will increasingly be called on to fund governance and support services also. If Mission & Service funds are called upon in the future to fund governance and support services, these services will not be carried evenly across the church. (Currently 42% of resident members who give to their local church also give for Mission & Service.) More reasons for making this change 9
Funding a new model of church 11 A fair and transparent model based on revenue Supports “ability to pay” with a transition plan Consistent with other denominations Recognizes how funding churches and giving patterns have changed since 1925 So why an assessment based on revenue? 11
Funding a new model of church 12 Assessment calculation using the Blue Form
Funding a new model of church 13 Both a target and a cap
Funding a new model of church 14 Will this change affect my pastoral charge? Your congregation’s assessment could go down … or up While many congregations will see increases, all congregations will more equitably fund the broader church 14
Funding a new model of church 15 Examples of assessment’s impact Net revenueOld assessmentTARGET new Forest Hill United (Toronto) $200,000 $6,200 $9,000 Tatamagouche PC (N.S.) $108,858 $3,200 $4,898 Long Lake PC (Sask.) $4,343 $ 3,133 $69,613
Funding a new model of church 16 Three-year phase-in approach is available Increase will be limited to a 10% increase over previous year’s total assessments, then frozen for two years All increases can be implemented at once 4.5% is both a cap and aspirational If remit 4 passes, what’s next? 16
Funding a new model of church 17 Depends on other remits too, but cost reduction will continue Greater call on Mission & Service to fund denominational governance and support services Potentially less capacity to fund new mission and ministry initiatives If remit 4 does NOT pass, what’s next? 17
Funding a new model of church 18 (1) use Mission & Service to fund mission and ministry (2) fund governance and support services of other courts/councils by assessing communities of faith/pastoral charges (3) share assessments equitably across the whole church (4) permit Conferences/presbyteries/regional councils to use additional resources for regional purposes (5) encourage sharing of all resources across the church A reminder of the principles behind the remit
Funding a new model of church 19 Still have questions? 19