What do you think you know about Columbus? Columbus sailed the blue in 14 hundred 92… 1492
Born in Italy, but never explored for the Italians. What was he looking for when he explored? Ideas?
So Columbus decided to try and find a new way to get to Asia exploring for the Spanish flag. Instead of travelling South around Africa and across the Indian ocean, he decided to travel West, believing he would hit Asia.
Where did he land?
How do we know that Columbus reached the New World but never came to Texas? We have several sources that let us know what happened. Columbus wrote a ship’s log where he wrote about his experiences. He also wrote letters to the King of Spain. People then wrote books- picture books and textbooks about his experiences.
Columbus NEVER came to North America! Which means he was NEVER in Texas! Columbus was NOT the first European to reach the New World. Vikings from Greenland reached it in the 11 th century. But his exploration was the first to create a real link that stayed connected with Europe.