4. General Properties of Irreducible Vectors and Operators 4.1 Irreducible Basis Vectors 4.2 The Reduction of Vectors — Projection Operators for Irreducible Components 4.3 Irreducible Operators and the Wigner-Eckart Theorem Comments: States of system can be classified in terms of IRs Spherical symmetry Y lm T d Bloch functions Operators of system can be classified in terms of IRs x, p transforms under rotations as vectors T , F as 2 nd rank tensors under Lorentz transformations
4.1. Irreducible Basis Vectors Notations: U(G) is an unitary rep of G on an inner product space V. V is an invariant subspace of V wrt U(G). { e j | j = 1, …, n } is an orthonormal basis of V . g G where D is the matrix IR wrt { e j } Definition 4.1: Irreducible Basis Vectors ( IBV ) { e j } is an irreducible set transforming according to the –rep of G. e j is said to belong to the j th row of the –rep.
Generalization of the Orthogonality Theorem: Let IR and be equivalent, i.e., S D = S D S 1. Thus, the Orthogonality Theorem can be generalized to where
Theorem 4.1: Let { u j | j = 1, …, n } & { v k | k = 1, …, n } be 2 IBVs wrt G on V. If & are inequivalent, then { u j } & { v k } are mutually orthogonal. Proof: g G QED
Let → Comparing with gives i.e.,
Example: H-atom, G = R(3)
4.2. The Reduction of Vectors – Projection Operators for Irreducible Components Theorem 4.2: Let Then for any | x V, is a set of IBVs that transform according to , if not null, Proof: QED ( ) exempts from sum rule
Theorem 4.3: Letbe a set of IBVs & Then Proof: QED If D is orthogonal, then
Corollary 1: Proof: is a set of (un-normalized) IBVs Alternative proof:
Corollary 2: Proof: { e j } is complete: QED The matrix elements of U(g) wrt the IBVs are Hence ( Block diagonal g )
Corollary 3: Proof: Cor. 2: ( Cor. 1 ) QED C.f. Proof of Theorem 4.2
Corollary 3: Alternative proof: QED
Definition 4.2: Projection Operators = Projection operator onto basis vector e j = Projection operator onto irred invariant subspace V P j & P are indeed projections Or:
Theorem 4.4: Completeness P j & P are complete, i.e., Proof:Letbe the basis of any irreducible invariant subspace V of V Thm 4.3: , k QED Alternatively: ( Provided { e j } is complete, i.e., V is decomposible. )
Comments: Let U(G) be a rep of G on V. If U(G) is decomposable, then The corresponding complete set of IBVs is Then is not a projection, but it's useful in constructing IBVs
Example 1: Let V be the space of square integrable functions f(x) of 1 variable. Let G = { e, I S }, where I S x = –x. G C 2 eISIS 1 11 2 1–1 For 1–D reps:
Problem 3.9 Due date:Monday, Apr 10. Mid-Term Take-Home Exam
Example 2:T d = { T(n) | n Z } G = T d. V = Space of state vectors for a particle on a 1–D lattice. IR : Let | y be any localized states in the unit cell b = lattice constant | k, y is an eigenstate of T(m) with eigenvalue e – i k m b (c.f. Chap 1) ( Prob 4.1 ) ( State periodic ) All distinct IBVs can be generated from | y in the unit cell
Example 3: NH 3
1. Transform a basis to IBVs. E.g., From localized basis to IBVs( normal modes ) Time dependence of normal modes are harmonic Applications 2. Reduce direct product reps to IRs & evaluate C-GCs Prob 4.2
4.3. Irreducible Operators and the Wigner-Eckart Theorem Definition 4.3: Irreducible Operators ( tensors ) Operators { O j | j = 1, …, n } are irreducible corresponding to the IR if Comments: Let { O j } & { e j } be irreducible. Then i.e., O j e k transforms according to D implicit sum
Theorem 4.5 Wigner-Eckart Let { O j } & { e j } be irreducible. Then where = reduced matrix element Proof:Thm 4.1: QED sum over See Tinkham for a more detailed proof.
Example: EM Transitions in Atoms,G = R(3) Photon ( s, ): s = 1, = –1, 0, +1 Atom: | j m : m = –j, –j+1, …, j–1, j Transition rate W | f | 2 O s = dipole operator Wigner-Eckart ( = 1) :
Transition w/o symmetry considerations j = j' = 1 Allowed transitions with branching ratios ( Inversion not considered )