Vietnam’s Impact
HDT Video overview
Meet with your groups and finish your songs. We will start presenting in (5min for 4 th period)minutes. When you present, share the name of your groups (military in favor, politicians opposed) Summarize your groups view point Impact of the war on the group. Present your poem/rap/song. All must participate
HDT 5/16/12 As you watch the movie clip take notes on… Walter Cronkite Johnson’s response Tragic events of 1968 Nixon’s response to anti-war protestors
HDT- Video – Other notes kent state, leaving Saigon Vietnam war_1
Objective Students will work with a group to examine visual and primary sources about different peoples perspective on the war. Students will listen to songs about the Vietnam war Students will write a song/rap/poem that discusses the perspective of the war from their assigned groups view point
Directions You can choose your group of 3. Choose wisely because you will be performing in front of the class. You will be given primary sources to read and analyze, a worksheet to brainstorm your ideas and songs to see as examples for your groups original poem/song/rap Each person in your group must perform a piece of the poem, song, rap. Brainstorm goes in the comp book. The song/Poem needs Appropriate title 2 phrases from the student handout 2.3B Language that vividly captures how the group has been affected by the Vietnam war. 15 lines in length
When you present… Give a summary of what group your song is about and how they were affected by the war Discuss the impact the war had on the group Perform your piece Answer questions Copy the chart and take notes on the groups presenting
GroupWhat was the viewpoint and thoughts of the group?
HDT 5/19 1. What are some of the ways in which the Vietnam war affected the different groups? 2. Why did the war effect people so differently? 3. Do you think each group understood how the war affected the others? If the groups understood the various effects of the war on other groups, why do you think they pursued their own objectives? 4. Overall, was the impact of the Vietnam War on the groups you examined positive or negative? Explain.
Min 4:25 mLkuhG0