Song lyrics Part I by: Carina Díaz
Who doesn’t enjoy music?
In the language class… interpretative listening -active listeners (following song) -language (exposure to other accents) -output (produce) -grammar (spelling must match)
Songs -current songs and artists -wide selection of songs -No need to create a profile/ sign in -FREE! :)
Song lyrics Website -Select Language (don’t click on ad)
Song lyrics Website -Select Song (SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!) -View (scroll) -By categories (top lyrics, now playing...) -Search
Song lyrics Website -Select Mode _Suggest “beginner”
Listening to song -timed to enter correct answer -repeat song to confirm -type correct word (won’t continue if you enter wrong letter) -earn points/game
Listen and type away! Lyrics Training
More lyrics more websites Part II
Other websites Lyrics -More languages available -Option Modes: Karaoke, Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced (drop box/ Multiple choice) -Levels: Easy, Medium, Hard -Shows your performance score -Teacher options: customized exercises...
resources Thank you!!
Extra: Canciones Actividades extras con canciones (link)