Communication and Employability Skills for IT Unit 1 1 Life Skills
Basic Housekeeping 2 Check Lanyards Complete Register Health and Safety check Reminder about use of mobile phones Reminder about classroom rules No food or drink, thank you!
3 You should make notes as you go along when theory is delivered in order to complete the task successfully therefore bring a pen and some paper please! Please make notes to the best of your ability.
Today’s Learning Outcomes 4 Understand the principles of effective communication: Barriers to communication Body Language
Barriers to communication 5 To communicate effectively, you need to prevent or reduce barriers as much as possible. For example, for an audience to hear you, your voice should be clear and loud enough, without any distortion or interference. Therefore, it is important not to position the mouthpiece of a telephone under your chin and, in direct communication, you should face your audience. Background noise should not be underestimated. Even a slight continuous noise, such as the humming of an air conditioning unit or the ticking of a clock, can distract an audience
Can you decipher what the characters are talking about or how they feel by watching their body language in this video? 6
2 groups 7 Randomly pick 1 or 2 to make up two equal groups
Barriers to communication in a discussion 8 Group 1: Select and agree a topic of your discussion beforehand. Allocate “roles” so everyone is clear as to what their part in discussion is. Take part in a group discussion. During the discussion, the potential barriers to communication are to be demonstrated. Group 2: Make a list of potential barriers to communication you may observe Observe the group’s discussion and then write a list of barriers to communication you have just witnessed and explain mechanisms that can reduce the impact of communication barriers.
Body Language ( 9 Please log on to Username Password Raymond2014
Individual Activity 10 Watch these videos and write down at least 2 key messages per video (5 videos in total) to create a list with a minimum of 10 points on body language
At the end of the session revisit aims and objectives to check if the learning took place aims and objectives 11