How to Read a Letter
Honey: Meet ya at the Olive Garden tonight! XOXOXO
The Letters of the New Testament The letters of the New Testament are occasional— they were written to address a specific occasion.
What are the Two Tasks of Bible study? Exegesis: The careful, systematic study of the Scriptures to discover their original, intended meaning. Hermeneutics: The art of interpreting, applying, or discovering what the text
Historical Context General: What was life like in this particular city? How did the Romans see the Jews? How did Romans see the Christians? How did the Jews see the Christians? What is a Pharisee ?
Historical Context Specific Who wrote this letter? When was it written? For whom was it written? Why was it written?
Historical Context Explicit Historical Information Paul is in prison (1:13) Philippians sent a gift through Epaphroditus Epaphrodotus got sick Paul is sending Epaphroditus back
Literary Context Words only have meaning in a context. “That was the largest trunk I ever saw.”
Literary Context Sentence Paragraph Chapter Book Author’s other writings New Testament Bible Other historical literature
Literary Context Salutation –Name of writer –Name of recipient –Greeting Thanksgiving & Prayer BodyConclusion Philippians 1:1-2 Philippians 1:3-11 Philippians 1:12 - 4:20 Phillippians 4:21-23
Application We must distinguish between what is core and what is cultural. We must distinguish between principles and particulars