Resistance Training & Spotting Techniques HPER 187- WEIGHT TRAINING WEEK 4
Exercise Technique Fundamentals Handgrips Pronated grip- palms down, knuckle up Supinated grip- palms up, knuckle down Alternated grip- one hand is pronated, one is supinated Closed grip-the thumb is wrapped around the bar Open grip- the thumb does not wrap around the bar Limb Positioning Standing The feet should be slightly wider than __________________ Seated should utilize the __________________ body contact position Head is placed firmly on the bench Shoulders and upper back are placed firmly and evenly on the bench Buttocks are placed evenly on the bench Right foot is flat on the floor Left foot is flat on the floor
Spotting Free Weight Exercises Exercises that should be spotted: Exercises performed overhead (e.g. _____________________________________________) With the bar on the back (e.g._______________________________________________) Racked anteriorly on the shoulders or on the clavicle (e.g._____________________________________) Over the face (e.g.________________________________) Number of Spotters determined by the load being lifted, the experience/ability of lifter, and ability of the spotter(s) ____________________ between the lifter and spotter(s) is key to avoid injury
HPER 187- Weight Training: Week 4 Day 1- Legs/CorePhase: Basic Strength StrengthSet/RepsWt. 1.Squat Machine4x4 1. TRX Mountain Climbers4x6 (each leg) 1. Dumbell Deadlift4x4 2. Dumbell Split Squat4x4 2. Curl & Press4x4 2. Machine LE extension4x4 3. Hip Lift w/ Wt.4x8 3. Row over Bench4x4 3. Machine LE Flexion4x4 3. Front Plank w/ Alt. Arm45 secN/A
Day 2- Upper Body/CardioPhase: Basic Strength StrengthSets/RepsWt. 1. Alt. Dumbell Press4x4 1. Machine LE Adduction4x4 1. TRX Row4x4 2. Machine Press4x4 2. TRX Front Planks45 secN/A 2. Machine Pull-Down4x4 3. Row Over Bench4x4 3. TRX SL Squat4x6 3. Lifts4x6 Cardio: 20 min