By: Kaitlin Plank & Summer Kolt
Producing a large amount of products on an assembly line Introduced the invention of a assembly line Made it possible to manufacture cars faster, cheaper, and easier.
The first mass produced car made by manufacturers. Only made in black, standard package Cost less than 300 dollars Henry Ford made the car Made the automobile an affordable item instead of a luxury
Made the economy boom Development of the automobile, light metal, synthetics, and radio manufacturing industries.
Made travel easier Citizens got to experience freedom Provided privacy Dating habits of young people Sunday outings for families Easy access to vacation spots American shopping experience
Credit Installment plan: credit system where payments for merchandise is paid over a pre approved period of time
Increased and or decreased peoples social status People started buying on credit Economic boom Increased social activity in the public Created many citizens first debt
Social Economic "Next big thing" Social freedom and to enjoy life Increased family time A great period in economic history
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