Rapid Research: Source Cards & Note Cards
Quiz Time! 1. Why does Tom hit Myrtle in Chapter 2? 2. Where is Gatsby’s mansion located? 3. In what year does the story take place? 4. Where were Nick and Tom educated? 5. Where is the valley of ashes? 6. How are Daisy and Nick related? 7. What are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckelberg? 8. Where does Gatsby recognize Nick from? 9. Why does Tom have an apartment in New York? 10. Briefly describe Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy.
Source Cards Source Cards allow you to keep track of your sources. They help you stay organized! In the upper right hand corner, write the number of your source. You will only have 3 or 4 of these. Cite your source in the middle of the note card. (Magnolia will help you do this). Bottom right hand corner, list source location. (EASY—Magnolia!)
Note Cards Upper left hand corner: Type of note (direct quote DQ, paraphrase PP, or summary SM). Upper right hand corner: source number on corresponding source card. On the first line of the note card, state the main idea or topic of the note for that card. Center of card: the quote, paraphrase, or summary. Bottom right hand corner: page number for the information of the source. (Magnolia + page number)
Practice! Make a Source Card using your Great Gatsby book. Make Note Card using your book.
Research Topics Must be POST-Civil War.