Porting Content to New Department Sites Humanities Communications Team
What is Porting? – Simply bringing content from the old site to the new site – Porting is relatively simple, but it is very important and the biggest part of moving to the new department site
First Steps – Complete a content inventory – Using an Excel document or Google spreadsheet might be the easiest way to do this – Document what pages, the information on those pages, and how that information is organized.
Once you have a content inventory… – It’s time to set up a place for that content to go – Use the “Simple add pages or posts” plugin – This is why the content inventory is so important – it establishes what pages go where! – Be careful: sometime, there will be pages with the same name (i.e., a faculty page under both the German and Russian programs)
Menus – Once your pages are established, organize them using menus (Appearance > Menus) – Top Navigation: BYUH Top – Pages are listed on the left – Subpages will be indented under top level pages
– To create a menu, check the pages you want to include – Click “Add to Menu” – All pages will be on the same level. To create levels, drag and drop the subpage to the right – For optimal user experience, use no more than three levels – To create a menu item that redirects to another site, choose custom links
Now, add your content! – Simply work through the old site, copying information and pasting it onto the proper pages in the new site – Again, use the content inventory to help keep track of what goes where and what has already been brought over – Refer to the WordPress guide for ideas on how to set up different pages for optimal user experience
What about new pages? – You may have some new information you want to add, or a page may not have been brought over with the plugin – Create a new page, and copy/paste the information from the old site to the new site
Links – Links should come over with the copy/paste – If they don’t work, the will have to be add them again
Images – Images grab visitors to the site and make it more exciting – Choose high resolution images that capture the essence of the department – The color tones of the hero image should coordinate with department colors (such as used for the ribbon) – These images can be changed easily (to reflect the season, just for fun, etc.)