FIRST TRAINING WORKSHOP 11th - 13th April 2007 INFN - CNAF / 11th - 13th April 2007 Introductory remarks by Roberto Sorani Project Manager CYber-Infrastructure.


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Presentation transcript:

FIRST TRAINING WORKSHOP 11th - 13th April 2007 INFN - CNAF / 11th - 13th April 2007 Introductory remarks by Roberto Sorani Project Manager CYber-Infrastructure for Civil protection Operative ProcedureS

The Final Report for the GMES Initial Period recognises the European Civil Protection as one of the GMES Service Categories EGEE= Enabling Grids for E- Science in Europe GMES= Global Monitoring Environment Security GMES= Services users oriented GRID= Focused on technology CYCLOPS= Brings together the two communities focusing on the operative needs of European Civil Protection

Grid is another technological and economic revolution in high performance distributed computing, as the World Wide Web has been since the last ten years for what concerns the meaning and the availability of a global information. Grid-based platforms will allow the implementation of widely distributed computing environment operated as a uniform service.

The EGEE computing Grid is now operating and includes more than 100 sites in 31 countries. This makes it the world's largest international scientific Grid. Such an occasion of progress for the whole European Society must be supported by important and strategic sectors like GMES, and in particular Civil Protection operative infrastructures. Civil Protection Organization, is a typical example of virtual organization and its system infrastructures need high performance distributed computing environment to share critical data and resources.

The main objectives of CYCLOPS are: 1) To disseminate EGEE results to the CP Community, assessing EGEE infrastructure for CP applications. A variety of activities will focus on dissemination and outreach, training, workshops, possibly in close relation with EGEE events and on promoting a close collaboration between the two communities. 2) To provide the EGEE Community with knowledge and requirements that characterise the CP services. These requirements will also be used to assess the possibility for the development of an advanced grid platform enabling Real Time and near-Real Time services. 3) To evaluate the possibility to utilise the present EGEE services for CP applications, developing the research strategies to enhance EGEE platform, especially for Earth sciences resources.

CYCLOPS will contribute to the EU policy developments establishing liaisons and synergies with other existing projects and initiatives dealing with GMES, GRID and complementary sectors …among them: PREVIEW, Risk EOS, RISK-AWARE, BOSS4GMES, EGEE Networking Activities and Application Support, e-IRG and INSPIRE.

Partic. Role ParticNo.Participants namePartic. short name CountryDate enter project Date exit project CO1Dipartimento della Protezione Civile DPCIT124 CR2Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFNIT124 CR3Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale IMAAIT124 CR4Direction de la Défense et de la Sécurité Civiles DDSCFR124 CR5Civil Protection of Chania Prefecture CP-CHGR124 CR6Technological Educational Institute of Crete TEI-CRGR124 CR7Serviço Nacional de Bombeiros e Protecção Civil SNBPCPT124 CO = Coordinator CR = Contractor CYCLOPS Participants

Detailed project management structure The project management is organized with the following structure: - A project manager (PM), nominated by the coordinating partner to run the project on a day-to-day basis. -A Project Management Board (PMB) composed of one management representative of each partner and the PM. The PMB will supervise the project from the political and administrative points of view. The PMB will co-ordinate and manage items that affect the contractual terms of the project. - A Technical Management Board (TMB), comprising of one representative from each Work Package (normally the WP manager), to take decisions on technical issues. - A leader for each work package: the WP manager.

CYCLOPS Project Management Board / and Deputies DPCBernardo de Bernardinis Corrado de Rosa INFNMirco Mazzuccato Marco Verlato IMAAEnzo CuomoStefano Nativi DDSCPhilippe Nardin Jerome Bequignon CP-CHVassilakis Lambros Dermanakis Nikolaos TEI-CRKaterina Benaki Popi Tsitou SNBPCJosè OliveiraJosè Fernandes

WP1DPCCorrado De Rosa WP2INFNMarco Verlato WP3DDSCSophie-Sauvagnargues-Lesage WP4IMAAPaolo Mazzetti WP5SNBPCJosè Fernandes

D1project presentationdone D2project open conferencedone D3perspective on cooperation D4dissemination plandone D5training event plandone D6business process analysisdraft version available (DDSC) D7EGEE cookbook D8existing analysis be done (DDSC) D9use-cases doc. D10this workshop The main actions to be completed / initiated (1)

The main actions to be completed / initiated (2) France requests to add officially a new Member to the Consortium “..Regarding point 3 (of my note) DDSC has been working since the beginning with Ecole des Mines d' Ales (Sophie Sauvagnargues- Lesage and Vincent Thierion) who actually prepared the draft of D6. For administrative reasons we do propose that they become partner as of January 1st They will take over some of the tasks and related resources currently allocated to DDSC. This will have no effect to the budget nor to the WBS structure and I trust this will only benefit the project. DDSC and EMA have a long standing relationship in risk management research.” PM requested and obtained the agreement of all Members but Portugal. As soon as the missing answer will be received the formal procedure is opened with EC

The main actions to be completed / initiated (3) Portugal informs that : “…as you probably know, SNBPC is now ANPC (National Authority for Civil Protection) - since 01April. This change also brought us a completely different functional structure and personnel in/out (eg. Mr. Manuel João Ribeiro is no longer working with us). Hope that you can understand and that we can talk in a few days in order to clarify the situation….” PM will help in getting authorization from ANPC in order to make France request (previous slide) feasible asap.

The main actions to be completed / initiated (3) Portugal informs that : “…as you probably know, SNBPC is now ANPC (National Authority for Civil Protection) - since 01April. This change also brought us a completely different functional structure and personnel in/out (eg. Mr. Manuel João Ribeiro is no longer working with us). Hope that you can understand and that we can talk in a few days in order to clarify the situation….” PM will help in getting authorization from ANPC in order to make France request (previous slide) feasible asap.

Dear Colleagues, my previous s might have generated some confusion on the dates for some future steps : In September, considering that EC Presidency will be with Portugal, it could be decided to meet in Portugal. The day after the D 12, the project will go through 1 day of Review with EC experts Other technical meetings in between now and September will be decided where necessary April Workshop in Bologna (D10) First training workshop 23 May Project Management Board Rome - date : to be defined Early September Mid term project workshop (D 12) Date and place to be defined