Strategies for Success in Biology Presented by: Travis Ramage, Academic Advisor Crouse Center for Student Success.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Success in Biology Presented by: Travis Ramage, Academic Advisor Crouse Center for Student Success

Overview Staying OnCourse Staying OnCourse Your Beliefs Your Beliefs Your Responsibility Your Responsibility Wise Choices Wise Choices Discuss learning styles Discuss learning styles Active v. Reflective Active v. Reflective Sensing v. Intuitive Sensing v. Intuitive Visual v. Verbal Visual v. Verbal Sequential v. Global Sequential v. Global Discuss SQ4R Survey Question Read Record Recite Review

How Your Beliefs Guide Your Success Beliefs Behaviors Success

Responsibility Model StimulusChoice Victim Voices Creator Voices

Victim Voices Your Inner Critic  Blames us  Complains about us  Demeans us Your Inner Defender  Blames others  Complains about others  Demeans others

Creator Voice Your Inner Guide  Provides an objective perspective  Looks for the absolute truth  Allows you to be fully conscious of the world, other people, and yourself

Responsibility Model StimulusChoice Victim Voices Creator Voices Activity: Apply the model to your thoughts about biology

The Wise-Choice Process What is your present situation? What is your present situation? How would you like it to be? How would you like it to be? Do you have a choice? Do you have a choice? What are the likely outcomes for each choice? What are the likely outcomes for each choice? Which choice(s) will you commit to? Which choice(s) will you commit to? What is the problem? What is your goal? Make a list of options Evaluate your options Make a promise to yourself

Learning Styles

Characteristics Active Active tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it--discussing or applying it or explaining it to others "Let's try it out and see how it works." Reflective prefer to think about it quietly first "Let's think it through first."

Strategies Active Active Study in a group Study in a group Predict what will be asked on the next exam Predict what will be asked on the next exam Reflective Review what you have read and think about possible questions or applications Write short summaries of readings/notes

Characteristics Sensing Sensing tend to like learning facts like solving problems by well-established methods and dislike complications and surprises Intuitive prefer discovering possibilities and relationships like innovation and dislike repetition

Strategies Sensing Sensing Ask for specific examples of concepts and procedures Ask for specific examples of concepts and procedures Find out how the concepts apply in practice Find out how the concepts apply in practice Look in your text for applications or brainstorm with peers Look in your text for applications or brainstorm with peers Intuitive Ask for interpretations or theories that link the facts Try to find connections yourself Take time to read the entire question before you begin answering Review your answers

Characteristics Visual Visual remember best what they see--pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations Verbal get more out of words-- written and spoken explanations

Strategies Visual Visual Find diagrams, charts, and pictures Find diagrams, charts, and pictures Find video tapes of course material Find video tapes of course material Prepare a concept map of key points Prepare a concept map of key points Color code your notes Color code your notes Verbal Write summaries or outlines of course material Work in groups and discuss concepts

Characteristics Sequential Sequential tend to gain understanding in linear steps, with each step following logically from the previous one Global tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly without seeing connections, and then suddenly "getting it."

More Characteristics… Sequential Sequential tend to follow logical stepwise paths in finding solutions Global may be able to solve complex problems quickly or put things together in novel ways once they have grasped the big picture, but they may have difficulty explaining how they did it.

Strategies Sequential Sequential Ask instructor to fill in skipped steps Ask instructor to fill in skipped steps Fill in steps yourself through using the text Fill in steps yourself through using the text Outline the lecture material when studying Outline the lecture material when studying Global Skim chapters before you read them Study for longer periods of time on each subject Relate topics to what you already know

Reading Your Text Applying SQ4R

Survey SURVEY the chapter SURVEY the chapter Headings/Subheadings Headings/Subheadings Visual materials Visual materials Marginal notes Marginal notes Terminology/Special print Terminology/Special print Chapter review Chapter review

Question Develop QUESTIONS Develop QUESTIONS Use Headings/subheadings Use Headings/subheadings Use the following words: Use the following words: Which When What Why Where How Who

Read READ the chapter READ the chapter Overview reading Overview reading Carefully read the chapter Carefully read the chapter Thoroughly read the chapter Thoroughly read the chapter Stop to concentrate/comprehend each paragraph Stop to concentrate/comprehend each paragraph

Record RECORD information RECORD information Take notes on important information Take notes on important information Use notes to review for quizzes / exams Use notes to review for quizzes / exams Keeps you actively involved in the reading process Keeps you actively involved in the reading process

Recite RECITE your notes RECITE your notes Read notes out loud in your own words Read notes out loud in your own words Provides you immediate feedback about what you can recall accurately Provides you immediate feedback about what you can recall accurately Increases levels of concentration, participation, and comprehension of material Increases levels of concentration, participation, and comprehension of material


Review REVIEW the material REVIEW the material Answer questions at the end of the chapter Answer questions at the end of the chapter Answer the QUESTIONS you developed Answer the QUESTIONS you developed Study and recite from the notes you took in the RECORD step Study and recite from the notes you took in the RECORD step Write your own summary for the chapter Write your own summary for the chapter

…more reviewing Personalize the information Personalize the information “How can this information be used?” “How can this information be used?” “How does the lecture relate to what I just read?” “How does the lecture relate to what I just read?” “Why is this information important to learn?” “Why is this information important to learn?” Create additional study tools Create additional study tools Flash cards Flash cards Study tapes Study tapes Visual mappings Visual mappings Work problems from the textbook Work problems from the textbook

How Did I Address YOUR Learning Style(s)?

? Questions ? ? Questions ? For more resources… Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at #5520 to find a tutor Contact your instructor, Dr. Davis