CM202 Wiki Final
Your Final Project will be to research, evaluate, analyze, discuss, and write about an issue, problem, question, or development in one of the areas of mass media ethics, regulation, global media, or mass media effects (Units 8-10).
Possible topics First Amendment rights vs. decency regulations Reasons behind having a free press How media supports a free society Ethics in the media (TV, film, radio, print) Social media’s impact on our culture Media’s impact on global awareness and collaboration Libel and slander issues in the media Media impact on political elections Role of international media Free flow of information vs. eroding of individual cultures Other mass media effects on individuals, organizations, and/or cultures
Research Once you choose your topic, you will need to do some research. The textbook is a good place to start, and read the corresponding chapter that goes along with your topic. In addition, look at the webliography on the class site as it contains many interesting links that may help you as you look for information about your topic.
Sources You should have a minimum of six sources, one of which must be less than one year old, one of which must have originally appeared in print form, and three should be located through an electronic library, such as Kaplan’s Library, or a database. Identify and explain your library or database search strategy. You should analyze the sources for their ability to support the thesis and main ideas, present future research questions, and identify, if necessary, the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Your final project must contain original written work that includes: A statement of an issue, problem, question, or development in mass communication ethics, regulation, global media, or mass media effects How the topic came to your attention A summary of the development of the medium in which the topic is significant The results of your research on the topic The future of the topic Further questions to which the topic leads A conclusion that summarizes the work and offers further questions for possible research
Your paper, with graphics (for interest), will be posted on the Final Wiki link. You must also post substantive comments to three classmates on their Wiki information Comments can be posted in Units 7-9. You may begin posting your work this week. All material can be edited/revised through unit 9. Pay attention to class comments on your work.
Unit 7: Beginning Final Student chooses a topic related to mass media regulation, global media, or mass media effects./15 Student describes how the topic came to his/her attention./10 Student adds at least two visual elements related to topic./15 Student adds further questions to be explored through research on topic./10 Student adds at least two research links from outside sources, one of which must be from the Kaplan library./15 Student summarizes scope of paper/20 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure reflect college-level writing./20 Final Score: /105