Lingua Inglese II (6 Cfu) Global Englishes A.A. 2014/15 Dott. Enrico Grazzi
Timetable: Wed.09:00/11:00room T28 Fri.09:00/11:00 room T29 Meet me: Fri.11:15/12:15room n. 23, 2 nd floor Textbook: Jennifer Jenkins, Global Englishes (3 rd ed.) Routledge 2015 ISBN
3 Language resources: The interlingual plane of communicative repertoires Language contexts: The colinguistic use of English in space and time Speaker location: The ideolinguistic uptake of meaning Pennycook’s 3D transtextual model of English use (2009)
4 Mahboob’s language variation framework of English (2014)
5 Brainstorming… How would you define Standard English? What is a lexicogrammar norm? Who makes decisions about the standardisation of lexicogrammar norms? (gatekeeping function)
Here are a few expressions used by the linguist David Crystal in the video that you’re going to watch. What kind of process do these expressions refer to? 6 The adoption of English The reshaping of English The development of English
7 David Crystal: World Englishes While you’re watching this video, check your answer to the previous question. 02_David Crystal - World Englishes.mp4
8 Video chart: Watch the video again and note down the following information: 1.The importance of vocabulary in language change 2.Number of non-British words used in South African English 3.Why are new English words borrowed from other languages? 4.How does local cultures influence the emergence of new varieties of English?
9 Homework: Reading A3, pp. 21/27 Reading D2, pp. 190/197. Write your personal comment (300 words) about this topic: “The ownership of English today”