Education of Health Professions Mladen Mimica Faculty of Health Studies Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Faculty of health studies Mostar Education at separate Faculty (Faculty of Health Studies), Students and educational staff are well informed about the vision, mission and strategy of Faculty, & about necessity of education continuation (Master & Doctoral study).
Already done Definition of minimum of knowledge and skills nurses must have (competences), Making curriculum by connecting competences and ECTS
Copy-paste in education
Transitional country copy-paste problems
Main suggestions from EU members Step by step implementation of changes, Consideration of local environment, available staff, available equipment (including skill labs), financial issues, To motivate teachers to start scientific activities, formulating ideas for research projects and learning how to write drafts for research grants.
Mostar programme Education at two levels: first (Bachelor) and second (Master) = 3+2 years (6+4 semesters). Baccalaureate degree: 4600 h; 2300 h (50%) must be spent in practice. Master level education: started at November First Masters in November 2011.
Mostar students Total number of bachelor nursing students: 197. I y: 80; II y: 68; III y: 49. Total number of master nursing students: I y: 15; II: 10. Masters of nursing: 7 (FHS) Masters of nursing (School of med: 10).
Identification of weak points Alumni opinions about educational weak points at Faculty of Health Studies Mostar are collected by anonymous questionnaire every year. The majority (71%) of alumni (ex full- time students) as the most prominent weak point stressed low level of competence in solving problems in practice at their first job.
Identification of weak points To prepare students to solve emergent problems in the practice various kinds of educational tools are available at School of Medicine Mostar a) Skill laboratories, b) Booklet of knowledge and clinical skills for the purpose to control the acquired knowledge and skills confirmed by the signatures of student, assistant and Head of Department and c) clinical rotations.
Identification of weak points According to graduates’ opinion, all these tools have only restricted value and young nurses, not used to independent actions, are constantly frustrated at their first jobs after graduating.
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