2nd FUSE TEMPUS Project Coordination Meeting SUNP, 2nd and 3rd July, 2015 WP 5 PROGRESS Dissemination of Project-Related Information WP leader – UNI Vladan Pavlović, PhD Assistant Professor University of Niš, Serbia
WP5 / A 5.1 Creating, maintaining and regular updating of the project web-site (PERIOD: month )
The PROJECT WEBSITE - maintained and updated regularly
The NEWS section
The DOCUMENTS section (currently 195 docs)
The IMPLEMENTATION section (currently 176 docs)
maintained and updated regularly used much more than before the 1st Coordination Meeting (dozens and dozens of docs in different categories – WPs + Fin MNGT) access to ALL sections also granted to Ms. Anne Spangemacher (EACEA) access also granted to the NTE+O
two new GOOGLE ANALYTICS reports on website activities (beginning of February and beginning of May 2015) analytics-for-the-fuse-website analytics-for-the-fuse-website Nov 2014 – Jan 2015 Vs. Feb 2015 – Apr 2015 A significant rise in the number of sessions, users, pageviews, new sessions, new visitors and bounce rate
In the period from the beginning of Feb through the end of April 2015 the website was visited from 77 countries and territories Small numbers for some countries are not always insignificant, since the average session duration parameter for those visitors shows that it is not always a statistical error that someone visited our website (says the UNI IT Sector)
WP5 / A 5.2 Preparing annual joint reports on project achievements (months 13 – 36)
An important change here, adopted at the 1st Project Coordination Meeting (BU, November 2015) and implemented: the annual reports on project achievements - to be substituted by: - the reports submitted to the QAG the Work Package Self-Assessment Reports submitted twice a year by each WP leader the Partner Self–Assessment Reports, completed by the contact person from each partner institution once a year i.e. they have started to constitute a part of the activities in WP6 – QPLN. - the Intermediate Report and the Final Report (both for the EACEA). In addition, dozens of different project-related documents are available to all the partners in the Consortium on the MNGT platform and the partners are free to use them in both internal and external dissemination activities, as well as in the preparation of all the reports.
WP5 / A 5.3 Designing and distributing project promotional materials (PERIOD: months 3 – 33)
Quite a lot had been done here before Nov FUSE brochures, FUSE Calendar for 2014, FUSE Planner for 2014, FUSE bag, FUSE posters (standard and roll), FUSE flash memories, FUSE pens, FUSE anti-stess balls, etc. visual-identity-and-promo-materials primarily distributed during: - the project Kick-off Meeting (Jan. 2014) - the participation of the project at the 26th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, held in Prague in Sept the 1st Consortium Meeting visual-identity-and-promo-materials
the only new project promotional materials prepared in the meantime – those kindly made by the SUNP, our hosts today and tomorrow, for this particular meeting those made already (esp. project brochures in English and Serbian) – to be distributed esp. during the WP3- related trainings
WP5 / A 5.4 Giving information about the project at various dissemination gatherings (and other dissemination platforms) (PERIOD: month 9 – 36) (actually started in month 2)
Quite a lot had been done here before Nov as well the project - actively presented at various gatherings, conferences, education fairs, on TV, in magazines, and on the websites of the institutions in and outside the project
The focus in the meantime: 1) presenting the project results and important project- related information and materials at gatherings organized within various DEV WPs (also to be considered part of DISS), and then on the project website The Meeting of the WP1 and WP2 RS Partners' Teams, UKG, 21 January 2015 THE Meeting of the WP4 Team, Niš, 14 March, 2015 The First FUSE WP3 Training Meeting, Belgrade University, 28th – 29th May, 2015 The WP3-Related Training at the COT, Belgrade, 16 June 2015 The Meeting of the WP1 and WP2 RS Partners' Teams, UKG, 21 January 2015 THE Meeting of the WP4 Team, Niš, 14 March, 2015 The First FUSE WP3 Training Meeting, Belgrade University, 28th – 29th May, 2015
2) presenting the already achieved results on e- platforms (the project website and others): - e.g. the two most prominent results so far: the WP1 and the WP2 Joint Reports; apart from the project website, also given prominence at ails (i.e. at the NTE+O database of TEMPUS projects; renamed there as Analysing_the_current_situation_in_Serbia_regarding_institutional _legislative_and_administrative_framework.pdf and Analysing_current_practices_in_academic_mobility_services.pdf respectively, i.e. in keeping with the names of the relevant WP1 and WP2 activities ails Analysing_the_current_situation_in_Serbia_regarding_institutional _legislative_and_administrative_framework.pdf Analysing_current_practices_in_academic_mobility_services.pdf
other results also presented on the project website: Report on procedures enhancement (A1.4), February 2015 (University protocols and manuals for the staff dealing with international students and affairs developed and adopted) Report on institutional promotion of internationalization A2.2. March 2015 (University / faculty websites updated to better present institutional opportunities ) Report on establishing mobility coordinators at UNI faculties, January 2015 ERASMUS+ Contact Persons at UNI Report on various promotional activities, March 2015 etc. Report on procedures enhancement (A1.4), February 2015 Report on institutional promotion of internationalization A2.2. March 2015 Report on establishing mobility coordinators at UNI faculties, January 2015 ERASMUS+ Contact Persons at UNI Report on various promotional activities, March 2015
Generally speaking, the focus of the WP5-related activities in the forthcoming period (to be addressed in greater detail tomorrow) – disseminating information about CONCRETE PROJECT RESULTS: - guides / booklets for foreign students, - legal documents and standards adopted at all participating Serbian HEIs - working protocols and manuals developed, adopted and implemented
SUMMARY All the WP5 - progressing as planned the project web-site and the Project MNGT Platform regularly maintained and updated, project promotional materials designed and distributed (with some other promo materials yet to be made), information about the project has been disseminated both internally (various interproject meetings, the MNGT platform) and externally – the project website and the websites outside the project