By Mia Katrina Harrison
What writers are there in the bible Old Testament: Joshua, Ruth,1 Samuel,2 Samuel,1 Kings, 2 King,1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, New Testament: Matthew, Mark,Luke, John,1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians.
How is the Bible are important to us ? The Bible is important to us because reading the bible gives you a clear understanding of God and Jesus’s goodness, kindness, how God created the world and us and also how Jesus sacrificed himself for us.
What are the types of genres in the Bible? The genres are: There are a lot of genres in the bible but they are the main ones. 1.Letters 2.Law 3.Poetry 4.Historical
Similarities of the feeding of the 5,000. They made them sit down to eat. They all feed 5,000. They all had 5 loafs left over.
Differences of the feeding of the 5,000 John, Mark, Luke all have 12 baskets left over but Matthew 7 baskets left over. Luke told them to sit in groups of 50 and Mark told them to sit in groups of 2. John said to sit on the grass and not in any groups.
What I now know! I now know that there are different stories in the holy bible. I now thought that The Old Testament was a mix of Jesus being born and before Jesus was born, but now I know that The Old Testament is before Jesus was and The New Testament is after Jesus was born. I now know that a kindle is really a book and I never new that
What I want to know How long has the Bible be around for? Will Jesus ever come back down from Heaven? How long did Jesus live for before sacrificing himself for us?
Thank you for watching my Sources come and see what I learnt power point xx Once again THANK YOU xx