Different Views Objective: Explain divisions in the civil rights movement
disagreement between civil rights leaders SCLC and other organizations want to expand the nonviolent struggle Others want the movement to become more aggressive Protests were held in Chicago where there were no laws that denied African- Americans civil rights but where whites discriminated against them
Despite protests, few changes were made African-Americans are frustrated by their lack of political power Frustration leads to a series of riots in the late 1960s.
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) Criticized goal of integration; urged African Americans to separate from whites Groups most popular member was Malcolm X Mid-1960’s Malcolm X rejected the separatist ideas and left the group
Malcolm X began to envision a world where all races could live together in peace 1965 – Malcolm X is gunned down by members of the Nation of Islam
Black Power Stokely Carmicheal becomes leader of SNCC and calls for Black Power Philosophy of racial pride and called for African Americans to create their own culture and change society Philosophy becomes popular in poor neighborhoods
Black Panthers Formed in Oakland, CA by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale Represented growing frustration among urban African Americans angry about poverty and lack of jobs Panthers demanded reforms and armed themselves
Violent Clashes Summer, 1965 major urban riots LA – week of rioting in Watts section left 34 dead; National Guard ends uprising Racial violence hits major cities in 65,66, and 67 Newark, NJ – protests, looting and burning cause $10 million in property damage and kill 26 Detroit – uprising shuts down city for several days
King’s assassination April 4, 1968 – King is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Jones Sets of riots in more than 100 cities Fires burn blocks from the White House Thousands attend his funeral; millions watched on tv
Activity and Summary What is the main difference between these groups and the civil rights movement led by MLK? What do you think triggered the race riots in the mid- to late 1960s? How do you think King’s assassination affected the civil rights movement? Activity: Compare/contrast the philosophies of the different civil rights leaders