Infrastructure in Africa Adam Malmberg, Spencer Dalglish, Melanie Tingue, Jenna Thomason
Problem Solution Solution Africa's solution to this problem was a company called African Transport Solutions (ATS). It allows transport in Southern Africa along with other services like: "Warehousing, Public warehousing, Distribution, transporting, Brake bulk, Local transport, Long distance, Cross boarder to neighbouring countries, Consolidation, Agricultural sector, Hazchem,Forklift facilities, Abnormals, [and] Vehicle equipped with a crane to lift and transport containers without using a ramp." To allow transportation around Africa, public subways or trains could be installed throughout the city. Also they could raise money for city bikes that the people could borrow for transport around the city. One infrastructure problem in Africa is means of transport.
Problem Solution Solution Africa's solution to this was the Africa Oasis Project. This project is meant to create safe drinking water in Africa. Mark Alexander stated about the project that: " The Africa Oasis Project provides appropriate water solutions in each instance. In an arid area, where there is not water, we drill a well. If there are seasonal rains we set up a rainwater harvesting system to catch and retain the water in clean condition. If water is available but unsafe to drink, we may provide a water purification method for the people. " about.html To improve the water supply in Africa, charity events could raise money for building solar stills to be given to communities in Africa without a clean water supply. These stills would purify the water by contained evaporation in buckets. While affordable and achievable, this goal can help gain clean water in Africa. Africa's infrastructure also lacks a good water supply.
Problem Solution Solution Africa's solution to this was the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP). Here the countries can purchase electrical power at set prices. These countries include: " South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Swaziland, Tanzania, Lesotho and Malawi. " Other countries in Africa have been talking about joining this power system also. /af/p0005.htm To get electrical power around Africa more electrical lines could be put into place around the cities. Open access to these lines would allow everyone to share this power for their home's needs. Electrical Power is another problem facing Africa's infrastructure.
Problem Solution Solution Africa's solution to this is the "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) innovations." They created lots of internet cables traveling across the country for online communication and use of internet. Their solution to communication was also there vast "mobile phone market." E/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTINFO RMATIONANDCOMMUNICATIO NANDTECHNOLOGIES/0,,conte ntMDK: ~pagePK: ~piPK:210062~theSitePK: ,00.html With the building of the electrical lines, telephone poles could be put into place around the city. These lines would go to each living space to help families contact each other and better strengthen their community. Another problem of the infrastructure in Africa is communication.
Problem Solution Solution Africa's solution to this funding problem was the "Finance & Competence (F&C)." This provides "funding solutions for projects in South, West and East Africa. Working predominantly with Funding Providers in the Nordic countries, we are however also able to provide opportunities for businesses to benefit from funding and finance from the various EU funding programs." They created a system to fund these African projects. u/ In order to create better funding for the country, a better bank system could be established. Donations from other countries could help create this better bank system. Funding for the Infrastructure also poses a problem for Africa.