January 12, 2012
The “Bean” in Chicago Please take out a piece of paper!
12-line poem…The Rules 1.I will give you one word. 2.You will use that word to create one line of poetry. 3.You CANNOT write more than one line. 4.The word MUST be included in the line. 5.The topic is up to you…see where your writing takes you!
Example…12-line Poem Chicago
12-line Poem Yellow
12-line Poem Yellow Travel
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn Morning
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn Morning Leaves
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn Morning Leaves Doubted
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn Morning Leaves Doubted Sigh
12-line Poem Yellow Travel Looked Bent Fair Better Worn Morning Leaves Doubted Sigh Road
12-line Poem…what’s your title? Give your masterpiece a title.
Pair Share Since we don’t have donuts to share, let’s share poems. Walk around the room and take turns reading your poem.
By Robert Frost Written in 1920 “The Road Not Taken”