Vocab List # 12 Knowing the meaning of words makes reading more enjoyable and understandable.
1. Induce V. Cause to happen, bring about Sammi wondered what induced the fight between her friends.
2. Infer V. To figure something out based on given information When Milli received a bouquet of roses without a card, she inferred they were from her boyfriend hoping to make up after their fight.
3. Jargon N. Specialized language used by a particular group Lawyers use a kind of legal jargon that is difficult to understand in documents.
4. Jocular Adj. Joking, playful I found Kacy to be quite jocular once I got to know him.
5. Languish V. Lose energy or motivation, become weak It is easy to languish over homework d
6. Morose Adj. Gloomy, depressed That was such a morose movie that I don’t care to see it again.
7. Obliterate V. Remove or destroy completely After the fire obliterated the old building, a new one was quickly scheduled to take its place.
8. Nostalgic Adj. Wishing for a return to the way things used to be, longing for the past We often think of our childhood with nostalgic memories.
9. Obstinate Adj. Stubborn, refusing to change, Two-year-olds are often so obstinate that they make life difficult for their parents.
10. Opaque Adj. Too dark or thick for light to pass through Because I work at night and sleep during the day, I cover my window with an opaque curtain to keep the light out.
11. Perfunctory Adj. Done without thought, attention, or feeling Mowing the lawn is a perfunctory job that allows me to daydream while working.
12. Precarious Adj. Unsafe, dangerous Patti put herself in a precarious situation when she walked home alone late at night.
13. Prevalent Adj. Found frequently, practiced widely McDonalds is prevalent all around the United States and in other countries as well.
14. Prudent Adj. Having good sense, carefully considering consequences Be prudent in your decision of whether or not to attend college.
15. Revere V. To regard somebody with admiration and respect When seeing a man in a military uniform, most people revere him for his sacrifice in defending our country.
Vocab practice - Write haikus You can use one or two words per poem 1 st line –5 syllables I get nos-tal-gic 2 nd line 7 syllables As I think of pre-val-ent 3 rd line 5 syllables flow-ers a-round me A haiku is about nature so include something dealing with nature. (create a quality poem) Use a total of at least 10 different words—underline them in the poem