B IO -P OEM Use this form to make a poem about yourself. You may give more details of less than are called for. The details may be one word or may be phrases. Try to be as accurate and complete in your description as possible. Try several words before you decide which to use. Line 1First Name Line 2Four words that tell about you Line 3Son or daughter of… Line 4Brother or sister of… Line 5Lover of… (3 people or ideas) Line 6Who feels… (3 feelings and when you feel them) Line 7Who needs… (3 items) Line 8Who gives… (3 items) Line 9Who fears… (3 items) Line 10Who would like to see… (3 people or events) Line 11Resident of (your city); (your street name) Line 12Last Name
B IO - POEM Darryl Friendly, cheerful, athletic, easy-going Son of Paul and Kay Brother of Greg and Liz Lover of sports, family and travel Who feels afraid of heights/falling, happy when I complete a task and proud when my boys do well Who needs to ride my bike more often, time by myself and more sleep Who gives help to my students, an ear to listen and a voice of reason Who fears death, failing and crashing on my bike Who would like to see a cure for cancer, the British Isles and people get along without so much drama Resident of Redlands; Main Street Womack