Linkvit Project Meeting Template for contents adaptation Author(s) [Name] Organization(s) [Name]
2 Module Name: Nature Conservation and N2K Network Module name: Nature Conservation and Natura 2000 Network Source Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within the context of Nature-SDIplus Project “Best Practice Network for SDI in nature conservation” ( in 2009 and Ownership This training module has been produced by GISIG ( The training material in available through an Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA).
3 Module Name: Nature Conservation and N2K Network Reasons for updating the module The objective of the module is to give an overview of the policies relevant to protected site management and biodiversity conservation, at the International and European level. Within the last years, different changes have been done to the EU environmental and nature conservation policies, and the scope of the updating is to adapt the existing material to the new legal framework and to the new standards. In particular, the module has to be adapted due to: -New 2020 Objectives -New standard data forms for reporting on Natura New Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds (codified version of Directive 79/409/EEC as amended) -Monitoring under article 17 Habitat Directive (2013) -Monitoring under article 13 Birds Directive (2013) -New lists for habitats and species
4 Module Name: Nature Conservation and N2K Network Time schedule for the contents adaptation The adaptation of this module will follow the time schedule of the WP3 “Adaptation of contents and infrastructures” that starts in March 2014 and ends in November That means that final updated version of this module will be ready by end of November Translations Part 2 of this module “Natura 2000 Network” can be translated and adapted according to different national contexts and lexicon.
5 Module Name: Nature conservation in INSPIRE Module name: Nature Conservation and INSPIRE Source Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within the context of Nature-SDIplus Project “Best Practice Network for SDI in nature conservation” ( in 2009 and Ownership This training module has been produced by GISIG ( The training material is available through an Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA).
6 Module Name: Nature conservation in INSPIRE Reasons for updating the module The objective of the module is to provide a comprehensive insight into INSPIRE themes for nature conservation and biodiversity. Within the last years, different changes have been done to the INSPIRE Data Specifications, and in particular, it has been drafted the data specifications for Annex III data themes, to which the NATURE- SDIplus, from where this training module takes its origin, gave its important contribution. So, the adaptation of contents for this module will consist of: 1.Updating of contents with the respect to the latest version of Data Specifications for Protected Sites (INSPIRE, D2.8.I.9). 2. Integration of contents with respect to Data Specifications for Bio-geographical regions (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.17) version Integration of contents with respect to Data Specifications for Habitat and biotopes regions (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.18) version Integration of contents with respect to Data Specifications for Species Distribution (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.19) version 3.0.
7 Module Name: Nature conservation in INSPIRE Time schedule for the contents adaptation The adaptation of this module will follow the time schedule of the WP3 “Adaptation of contents and infrastructures” that starts in March 2014 and ends in November That means that final updated version of this module will be ready by end of November Translations No specific needs for translation, except for introductive parts, since the module contents are very technical and based on EU documentation from English texts. Anyway, a translation of parts of this module can be done upon specific request from national users.