Student Centered Learning in Science Education Introducing Student Centered Learning to Faculties in Turkey
Proposal A pilot study will target faculty members in science education department to introduce and implement the student centered learning theory. A pilot study will target faculty members in science education department to introduce and implement the student centered learning theory.
Rationale Creativity in building understanding and knowledge Creativity in building understanding and knowledge Develop interest in science Develop interest in science Understanding of the theory and robust research’s results. Understanding of the theory and robust research’s results. Movement from traditional teaching to constructivist teaching environment. Movement from traditional teaching to constructivist teaching environment.
Literature Constructivism is a theory of learning which includes the major bodies of research on student misconceptions or alternative frameworks (Shymansky et al., 1993). Constructivism is a theory of learning which includes the major bodies of research on student misconceptions or alternative frameworks (Shymansky et al., 1993). Common to constructivist teaching strategies is the belief that the student creates his/her own knowledge. This is not a controversial stance and most educators agree with this idea (Good et al., 1993). Common to constructivist teaching strategies is the belief that the student creates his/her own knowledge. This is not a controversial stance and most educators agree with this idea (Good et al., 1993). The teacher does not assume the traditional role of being the expert, telling students what it is they need to know. Instead, the teacher acts as a guide or a facilitator (Shymansky, 1994). The teacher does not assume the traditional role of being the expert, telling students what it is they need to know. Instead, the teacher acts as a guide or a facilitator (Shymansky, 1994). Constructivist recognize the role of assimilation, accommodation and disequilibrium but place greater emphasis on the role of prior context-specific knowledge (Shymansky, Henriques, Chidsey, Dunkhase, Jorgensen, and Yore,1993) Constructivist recognize the role of assimilation, accommodation and disequilibrium but place greater emphasis on the role of prior context-specific knowledge (Shymansky, Henriques, Chidsey, Dunkhase, Jorgensen, and Yore,1993)
Concerns Short Term Develop conceptual understanding Develop conceptual understanding Enhance interest in science Enhance interest in science Assessment/Evaluation of pilot study Assessment/Evaluation of pilot study Integration of participants like science professors, undergraduate students, and designers Integration of participants like science professors, undergraduate students, and designers Faculty appreciation of the new concept. Faculty appreciation of the new concept. Long term Changes in pre-service teacher education Changes in pre-service teacher education Nationwide movement from traditional to constructivist teaching for universities. Nationwide movement from traditional to constructivist teaching for universities.
Analysis of Proposal Surveys/interviews of participants with regard to science, attitudes towards technology Surveys/interviews of participants with regard to science, attitudes towards technology CBAM, CREATER models CBAM, CREATER models Cost analysis Cost analysis Time frame Time frame Educational grants Educational grants Long term discussions and research analysis with participants. Long term discussions and research analysis with participants.
Acquire Collaborate between departments Collaborate between departments Quality control Quality control Alternative framework for participants. Alternative framework for participants. Dissatisfaction with the system has been using. Dissatisfaction with the system has been using. More focus on learner. More focus on learner.
Wheel of Change (TRY) Application to class lectures Application to class lectures Continual mentoring process Continual mentoring process JIT (Just In Time) management of minor variations/concerns that arise JIT (Just In Time) management of minor variations/concerns that arise
Wheel of Change (TRY) continued.. Collaboration between elementary school practice and pre-service teacher education in university. Collaboration between elementary school practice and pre-service teacher education in university. Discussions on theory and research. Discussions on theory and research. Link between US and Turkey. Link between US and Turkey.
Evaluation Formal evaluation at all stages to keep the wheel rolling – collect data of progress Formal evaluation at all stages to keep the wheel rolling – collect data of progress Summative evaluation –(i) involves qualitative analysis by interviews testing changes in attitudes (ii) test conceptual understanding of subject by quantitative means Summative evaluation –(i) involves qualitative analysis by interviews testing changes in attitudes (ii) test conceptual understanding of subject by quantitative means
Our Story Disseminate the data and experience by publishing in journals targeting educators, administrators, and students. Disseminate the data and experience by publishing in journals targeting educators, administrators, and students. Comprehensive application with other universities. Comprehensive application with other universities. In-service teacher education. In-service teacher education.