God’s King 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Who is David? Mentioned over 1100 times in 28 books of the Bible. Great-grandson of Boaz & Ruth. First and last man in the New Testament. Born in Bethlehem.
Who is David? He was a shepherd, musician, singer, soldier, king, prophet, priest and poet. He was the most revered king of Israel. He was possibly the greatest sinner in Israel.
Samuel came to Bethlehem. God told him to seek the new king. God provided safety. Samuel obeyed.
Samuel learned God’s perspective. Eliab appeared to be the natural choice. Samuel again obeyed God. Samuel called Jesse’s bluff.
God chose David. David was a “pretty boy.” David was dedicated to God. God showed His approval.
What does that mean to me? Weekly memory verse: 1 Samuel 16:7.
Sometimes God wants me to move on. There is no need to wallow in sorrow over past failures. It is time to start fresh. It is time to obey God!
God’s perspective is different than ours. Our natural choices are not necessarily God’s choices. It is time to obey God!
God chooses the unlikely. God looks at my heart, what will He see? I must trust in God to use my weakness for His strength.