How do towns and cities grow?? Question of the day
Challenging word nuggets Dad found 2 gold nuggets in the gold fields
Reading Vocabulary boombusinesscoinsfetched laundrymendingpickskillet spellbustlenuggetsprospector
Complete with a vocabulary word Josie never imagined her book would become a coins/boom. Mom is laundry-mending my favorite shirt.
Frecuently Misspelled Words too because there their 1.-Can I have ice-cream too? 2.-The baby cried because she was hungry. 3.-Put the box over there. 4.-The children have their books in a locker. then and with was
Irregular Verbs beginbeganbegunbeginning breakbrokebrokenbreaking bringbrought bringing buybought buying choosechosechosenchoosing
Choose the word with the short vowel sound in the first syllable latelylettucelikely trialtoastertunnel napkinnativenotebook
Fix it 1.-Soon there was more trafic in the town 2.- Does any one need new shoes.