19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) OGC and activities HMA-T Phase 2 AR Meeting 19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Frédéric Houbie, ERDAS
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Agenda OGC Process & OGC SWG status OGC SWG status Issues Open actions Slide 2
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) OGC Process : usual schedule Slide Starting document (DP, BP, IS) 2. Internal reading & comments (60d) 3. Internal vote for RFC 4. Public RFC (30d) 5. Analysis & Update of the document (60d) 6. Internal Vote to release for IS 7. Voting Period (60d) 8. Standard or comments /0812/0801/0903/0906/09
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) EO EP: current situation Slide Starting document (DP, BP, IS) 2. Internal reading & comments (60d) 3. Internal vote for RFC 4. Public RFC (30d) 5. Analysis & Update of the document (60d) 6. Internal Vote to release for IS 7. Voting Period (60d) 8. Standard or comments /0812/0801/0903/0906/09 OGC forgot to publish the RFC end of December and hard to get someone by until end of January During period 2, we received very few comments We received many comments in phase 4 due to CITE implementations EO GML document posted for vote and we received many comments regarding GML, the voting period has been extended
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Extended period of votes * An active voter is a Voting Member whose representative has voted in at least one of the 5 last electronic votes. Any Voting Member who has not voted in the last five (5) e-votes will be termed an inactive voter. The number of active voters is used to compute the 'simple majority' for approval of a motion * Any inactive voter may vote for any motion being processed using an e-vote. Once an inactive voter votes, there are then termed to be an active voter. * A simple majority of active voters must vote 'Yes' for the motion to pass (The exception to this is that 2/3rd vote need to approve a Policy vote). The number of active voters is based on the number at the end of the vote. We currently have 50 active voters. Therefore we need a simple majority of "Active" voters to vote "YES". As of the 14th, there were 25 votes, however, only 21 "Yes" votes. The vote will pass after two weeks (standard extension) if we have 26 "Yes" votes, unless more than two inactive voters vote, which would raise the active votes by two and the needed "Yes" votes by one to 27. Votes that should come : Quinetiq, INTECS, IGN, EUSC, …. Slide 5
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) CIM EP: current situation Slide Starting document (DP, BP, IS) 2. Internal reading & comments (60d) 3. Internal vote for RFC 4. Public RFC (30d) 5. Analysis & Update of the document (60d) 6. Internal Vote to release for IS 7. Voting Period (60d) 8. Standard or comments /0812/0801/0903/0906/09 During period 2, we received very few comments and have integrated Uwe contribution During vote (3), we received many comments due to CITE implementations and also from Galdos regarding the document structure. These comments are discussed now to have a new vote for RFC before next TC. Objectives is to have both documents voted for next TC in Europe, September
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) & Earth Observation Work in progress Comments on the issue tracker (link also on HMA wiki)HMA wiki EO GML Vote, comments received Version of GML used –Regarding the support of GML for the GML Application Schema for EO products, we’ve discussed that point with the group and also with Carl Reed. This profile is used mainly in the cataloguing of EO metadata, using CS-W ebRIM application profile. This specification (07-006) is based on OGC Filter that uses GML So, the problem is that If we have to follow GML 3.2.1, we have to wait for Filter Encoding, then CS-W to be updated, and by that time, GML will be probably out… So, after discussion with Carl, he recommends that we insert a short paragraph in Future Work stating that at some point, harmonization with GML 3.x will occur. Most likely Why not sensorML Why not O&M EO EP, comments received Some updates/fix on the EO GML (comments from GIM) Some typos Main problem is the redundancy with GML EO Slide 7
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Earth Observation Work planned February Find solution for redundancy problem March – April Manage internal comments Review public comments Include ATS/ETS tests before submission May Internal Vote for releasing document for OGC vote to promote document as a standard Slide 8
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Earth Observation Issue Hard link between EO GML & EO Extension Package has to be solved HMA-E impact on specification (adhoc queries, …) Slide 9
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) CIM Slide 10 Work in progress Comments on the issue tracker due to request for RFC Mainly regarding the structure Page on the HMA wiki for CIM ?
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) CIM Work planned February/March Manage internal comments March Start RFC April/May Updates Update document Include ATS/ETS tests before submission June Internal Vote for releasing document for OGC vote to promote document as a standard Slide 11
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) CIM Submitted deliverables Version of CIM with INSPIRE compliance Slide 12
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) CIM Issues Comments from Galdos are relevant but lately Slide 13
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Open Actions : #61 Check sample of ISO19139 #61 Check sample of ISO19139 Files are ok to be mapped to CIM They represent a collection of EO Products available through a Service, some would like to represent a collection of EO Products without Service endpoint, so the structure might be different. Specify fileIdentifier is mandatory and have the same structure than parentIdentifier of EO GML How to describe technical specifications of the collection (except abstract) ? Slide 14
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Open Actions : #46 Status of Schemas ISO #46 Status of Schemas ISO Schemas problem : Official ISO schemas (do not contain encoding because not voted by ISO) : Official ISO AP schemas (and INSPIRE): These schemas includes but are based on GML that has never been adopted Slide 15
19 Feb 2009, Spacebel (Hoeilaart) Open Actions : #45 Discovery of additional queryables #45 Discovery of additional queryables Not yet strictly defined, will be done through a call to an adhoc query Slide 16