DRAW IT! Draw a model of the Earth and label the layers
READ IT! Read the page with this station and write 2- 3 sentences summarizing the most important things in it.
MATCH IT! Given the picture and the liquids in the list, match each liquid with the letter that shows where it would layer in the column. Liquid (alphabetical)Density (g/mL) Gasoline0.7 g/mL Mercury (liquid at air temp.)13.5 g/mL Vegetable Oil0.8 g/mL Water1.0 g/mL
CREATE IT! Using the equation you ALREADY know for density, create the equation for mass and for volume Density = Mass = Volume =
GRAPH IT! Draw a graph that puts the material on the x-axis at the bottom, density on the y-axis on the side, and shows the density of the materials below in a bar graph. MaterialDensity Air g/cm 3 Liquid Water1.0 g/cm 3 Silver10.5 g/cm 3
ANALYZE IT! Analyze the examples below to calculate the density of each material MassVolumeDensity 38 g254 mL 872 g3657 cm 3 14 g7 mL 8 g96 cm g16.9 mL
EXPLAIN IT! Write out a detailed procedure of how you would measure the density of a gas.
EXPLORE IT! Write a short paragraph explaining how and why the Earth’s layers are organized the way they are.
SORT IT! Sort the following materials into groups based on if they are more dense or less dense than water. MaterialDensity Plastic0.9 g/cm 3 Glass4.2 g/cm 3 Aluminum2.7 g/cm 3 Oak Wood0.85 g/cm 3 Steel7.8 g/cm 3 Lead11.3 g/cm 3 Gold19.3 g/cm 3