Introduction to Novel Study Context
His books are set in California and deal with problems of working people. Characters in his books are immigrants from Mexico or from other parts of the U.S. who went to CA looking for work or a better life (The American Dream). Born in Salinas, California
He came from Salinas, California Many of his books deal with the lives and problems of working people. Many of his characters in his books are immigrants who went to California looking for work or a better life. Steinbeck worked on a ranch when he was 19. The living conditions for the farm workers were very poor. Often men travelled alone but sometimes whole families had to move and all live in their car. Steinbeck's novels can all be classified as social realist novels dealing with the economic problems of rural labour. They tend to focus on trials and tribulations people experience and often make the reader root for the underdog. In 1962, Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize for literature for his “realistic and imaginative writing, combining as it does sympathetic humour and keen social perception.” Both The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men won Pulitzer Prizes.
The book was publicly banned in some places, burned in others, and heatedly debated on the radio. While the book did help to improve migrant conditions, it also brought threats on Steinbeck’s life, charges that he was a Communist, and surveillance by the FBI. At its release, The Grapes of Wrath became controversial and something of a national event.
Defenders also emerged — among them, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who stated publicly that she never thought the book was “exaggerated” as some critics had charged. Life magazine in June 1939 ran a two- page spread on Steinbeck’s book and the issue of migrant workers, with photos showing the grim conditions. For many who read the Grapes of Wrath, the book left a strong emotional impression. Songs were inspired by the book: Woody Guthrie Dustbowl Ballads Bruce Springsteen: The Ghost of Tom Joad Woody Guthrie Dustbowl BalladsThe Ghost of Tom Joad
deepest economic depression the nation had ever known. It lasted until Effects: business bankruptcies, bank closings, farm foreclosures, and massive unemployment.
Dust Bowl- Tons of topsoil was blown off barren fields and carried in storm clouds for hundreds of miles.
Many lost their farms because they could not produce any crops. People decided to abandon their farms and go in search of work.
CharactersContext SettingThemes and Ideas PlotNarrative style / structure SymbolsLanguage Based on what you have read so far and using these categories, list three things that you have found interesting in ‘Grapes of Wrath’.
Novel Study – you should have read the book and be re-reading with the class Reading Journal – response to a range of activities Assessment – Analytical Essay Response
Discuss what happens when machines replace people. What alternatives do unskilled workers have when they are replaced? What is your definition of family? Is a family made up only of relatives? What keeps a family together? Of what importance is family unity in today’s society?
Watch the following Youtube clip: m/watch?v=Tzo9wtXfHG k m/watch?v=Tzo9wtXfHG k Make notes on the following: o Great Plains o Dustbowl o Black Tuesday o Black Saturday o Dustpneumonia o Government’s response Consider the following: o Who is the film’s intended audience? o What is the film arguing for? What is it arguing against? o What factual evidence does the film share to convince its audience to accept its call to action? o What techniques does the filmmaker use to appeal to the audience’s emotions?
Read Steinbeck’s essay ‘Starvation under the Orange Trees’. Highlight and annotate the text as you read. Who is the Steinbeck’s intended audience? What is Steinbeck arguing for? What against? What factual evidence does the essay share to convince its audience to accept its call to action? What is the tone of the essay? Is there more than one? How does he use loaded diction, syntax and/or figurative language to convey tone? What other techniques does Steinbeck use to appeal to his audience’s emotions? What words would you use to describe Steinbeck’s persona? Is this effective? Why?
Obtain a road map / map / google map of the United States. As you read the first half of the novel, trace the route taken by the Joads using Google Maps or a road map, noting the location of major events along the way. Keep this updated as we continue to analyse and review the novel.