REVIEW SECONDARY PROGRAM MODELS & THRUSTS General Education Target: Students with mildest of disabilities. Academic Focus Target: learners with mild learning disabilities Remedial Education Target: Moderate disabilities Adult Outcomes Target: Moderate to severe; those preparing for post school
Comprehensive Curriculum A comprehensive curriculum takes in to account the reality that students enrolled in school on a time-limited basis. This means that educators should consider what will happen to their students in the future and take into account the environments that students will need to adapt to in order to function successfully
Features of a Comprehensive Elementary School Curriculum Responsive to the needs of the individual at the current time Reflective of the need to balance maximum interaction with peers against critical curricular needs Derived from a realistic appraisal of potential long-term outcomes for individual students Consistent with relevant forthcoming transitional needs (Adapted from Polloway, Patton, Epstein, & Smith, 1989).
ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION In secondary grades, teachers should concentrate on being responsive to the students’ life needs, maximize his or her integration with non disabled peers, facilitate socialization, and focus on his or her life post school. To do this secondary teachers should engage in Remediating basic skills, Teach the social skills Provide support for the curriculum in the form of tutoring, etc.
Teach them learning strategies (e.g., SQ3R, Story mapping, etc.) Vocational skills Life skills (independent skills) Assessment is the key to identifying what must, can be done to assist secondary students in selecting post school outcomes.
Remedial Strategies Interventions during for students experiencing learning problem may remedial in nature Remediation refers to resolving skill deficits a student exhibits Remediation is individualized and success generating
Remedial Intervention Attributes Consistency and duration of time on task Timing, frequency, and nature of feedback Regular and frequent communication of expectations Patterns of student/teacher interactions where the teacher responds to student initiated behaviors and appropriate consequences
Examples of Remedial Strategies Direct instruction Language skills programs (e.g., Mnemonic) Mulitisyllabic Words Training Language Experience Approach Teaching to both hemispheres of the brain Linguistic approaches Multisensory approaches High Vocabulary/Low difficulty Materials
Continued Monitoring and evaluating the intervention Fuchs and Fuchs, 1992 Reveals problems in programming Achievement is greater in the presence of on-going monitoring Monitoring lends greater fidelity to program implementation Children’s performance become more durable when decisions are made to usher them to greater performances when supported by data.
Next Time Considerations for behavioral concerns