哈巴谷 "Embraced by God."
哈巴谷 Habakkuk brings a new note to the teaching of the prophets, he has the temerity to demand an account from God.
哈巴谷 The prophet received his call as a vision (1:1). This vision becomes his responsibility and his burden
哈巴谷 The role of the prophet not only to see the vision of God but also to present the situation of men to God.
哈巴谷 The theological theme of the book is that of the power of God over human history and the consequent call to trust and faithfulness (2:4)
哈巴谷 Hab 1:13, This is the real question that has been troubling the prophet. How can the “Holy” and “Pure” allow this intolerable situation to continue?
哈巴谷 Faithfulness is seen as the attitude to remain trustful in the plan of God even in confusing times and situations. (2:4; 3:19)
哈巴谷 At the end, YHWH will made his name known and his presence will be felt on earth. (3:1-19)
哈巴谷 The prophet condemns all forms of oppression (2:7-20)
哈巴谷 Arrogant greed (2:7-8) Presumption (2:9-11) Violence (2:12-14) Degradation of human dignity (2:15-17) Idolatry (2:18-20)