RDA for Law Catalogers Serials and Integrating Resources Melissa Beck UCLA Law Library
Disclaimer (Relatively) new to law cataloging CONSER/PCC mindset (generally) Just learning RDA – Be nice to me 2
Sources of information RDA Toolkit and LCPS LC/PCC recommended best practices CONSER RDA Cataloging Checklist and CONSER RDA Core Elements Cataloging examples found through: RDA, LC, PCC, OCLC 3
“Continuing resources” 4 From Index in RDA Toolkit:
Mode of issuance From RDA Glossary: “A categorization reflecting whether a resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and its intended termination.” LCPS for 0.0 – Purpose and scope – From former LCRI for AACR2 1.0 Principles vs. practicality 5
Update or create new description? Serials: – General instructions – Title changes – Major v. minor title changes Integrating resources: – General instructions – Title changes – Edition changes
Selected RDA Elements for Continuing Resources: Manifestation (mostly), with a bit of Work and Expression
Title proper Core: RDA, LC, CONSER Transcribe as found 1.7 Serials: Omit varying data ( Exceptions ) – and don’t capitalize the next word (A.4.2) 8 Resource: 2012 Annual Report of the director. A2: $a Annual report of the director. RDA: $a … annual report of the director.
Title proper No provision in RDA to “explain” title Record nature of contents in a note Resource: Long Beach Tiki Club 2012 A2: $a Long Beach Tiki Club : $b [program]. RDA: $a Long Beach Tiki Club … 500 __ $a Program of their annual gathering.
Other title information Core for LC, not core for RDA, CONSER Serials: Can be useful to provide clarification or support to title proper IRs: Generally useful to transcribe Must come from same source as the title proper ( ) 10
Earlier title (IRs and e-serials) Not a core element in RDA Core element for LC, CONSER (if known) 11 Later title (serials) Not a core element in RDA Core element for LC, CONSER Use to record minor title changes
Variant title Core for CONSER, not for RDA or LC * Always transcribe if prominent on piece (If it could reasonably be taken for the title) Always a good idea with continuing resources! 12 * ( Which is odd, given the extensive LCPS at , which basically constitutes a manifesto on best practices)
Statement of responsibility relating to the title proper Core for RDA and LC Not core for CONSER (at least for serials) – Because they change! Can record associated persons or corporate bodies in notes if considered important 13
Designation of edition Core for RDA, LC and CONSER Also core: Designation of a named revision of an edition Critical for print IRs Need to explore concept of “edition” for some online IRs 14
Numbering of serials Core for RDA, LC and CONSER For first and/or last issue or part of sequence only LC and CONSER policy: follow the alternative in RDA to make a note _ $a Began with volume 1, issue 1 (July 2012) _ $a Ceased in _ $a Ceased with Number 5, published in 2004.
Place of publication Name of publisher Core for RDA, LC, CONSER Only first listed is required LC and CONSER policy: also give current place and/or publisher if different and considered important _1 $ : $a New York : $b Oceana Publications $ : $a Eagan, MN : $b West
Date of publication Core for RDA, LC, CONSER Only for first and/or last issue or iteration If you can’t approximate, don’t record – Make an educated guess in a note _1 $ : $a New York : $b Oceana Publications $ : $a Eagan, MN : $b West, $c [1994] _ $a Began in 1994? OR:
Copyright date 2.11 Core for RDA if no publication or distribution date LC: Not required; CONSER: Do not record – Instead, use it to infer a publication date 18 Resource: No publication date, t.p. verso has ©2001 A2: 260 __ $c c2001- RDA:264 _1 $c [2001]- or:264 _1 $c [2001?]-
Mode of issuance 2.13 Not core for RDA, core for LC, CONSER There are only 4 choices: Single unit Multipart monograph Serial Integrating resource 19
Frequency 2.14 Not core for RDA, core for LC, CONSER – Current frequency, if known – Retain earlier frequencies in records for serials when updating (No change in practice for CONSER) 20
Identifier for the manifestation 2.15 Core for RDA, LC, CONSER Prefer internationally recognized identifier ISSN, ISBN (on some print IRs) (No change in practice for CONSER) 21
Note on title: Source of title Not core for RDA – and only suggested if source is other than title page Core for LC, CONSER – Always (even if title page) (No change in practice for CONSER) 22
Note on edition statement Not core for RDA, LC, or CONSER Critical for IRs: – Gradual replacement editions – In toto replacement editions (whether new description or not) 23
Note on basis of the identification Not core for RDA Core for LC (if not first issue or part) Core for CONSER (always) New terminology introduced in RDA: “Identification of the resource based on …” – For serials, CONSER will continue to use: “Description based on …” – No PCC best practice (yet) for IRs 24
Note on latest issue/part consulted Not core for RDA, LC Core for CONSER (even if same as description based on) (Not applicable to IRs) (No change in practice for CONSER) 25
Media type 3.2 From RDA Glossary: “A categorization reflecting the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource.” Not core for RDA; core for LC and CONSER Change in media type requires a new description ( and and LCPS) 26
Media type 3.2 Most common terms for serials and IRs: unmediated computer MARC 21 field 337 – Partial replacement for: AACR2 General Material Designation [GMD] 245 $h in MARC 21 27
Carrier type 3.3 From RDA Glossary: “A categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource.” Not core for RDA, Core for LC and CONSER If carrier type changes, may require a new description (connected to media type) 28
Carrier type 3.3 Most common terms for serials and IRs: volume computer disc online resource MARC 21 field 338 – Partial replacement for: AACR2 General Material Designation [GMD] 245 $h in MARC 21 29
Extent 3.4 Core for RDA (mostly) Core for LC, CONSER (sort of) Only required if resource is complete 30 Dimensions 3.5 Not core for RDA Core for LC, CONSER except for: – serials – online electronic resources
Preferred title for the work 6.2 Attribute of work (not manifestation) Authorized access point – Preferred title plus the authorized access point for creator, if any May need to add identifying elements if same or similar to another title for a work – Distinguishing uniform titles for serials 31
Content type (work) 6.9 From RDA Glossary: “A categorization a categorization reflecting the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.” Core for RDA, LC, CONSER 32
Content Type (work) 6.9 Most common terms for serials and IRs: text MARC 21 field
Persons, etc. associated with a work Creators 19.1 – Corporate bodies – Persons, families Others associated with the work 19.3 – “After satisfying the RDA core requirement, catalogers may provide additional authorized access points according to cataloger’s judgement.” (LCPS) 34
Related resources Works and expressions – Sequential relationships Serials: continued by, continues IRs: superseded by, supersedes Manifestations – Other physical formats and reproductions Print, online 35
E-resources in RDA: Reproductions From RDA Glossary: “An exact copy of the content of a resource made by mechanical or electronic means.” Some online PDFs could be considered reproductions – LC, PCC will continue to use provider-neutral policy for online reproductions 36
E-Resources: Provider-neutral record No provision in RDA LC, PCC will continue to follow for all materials Draft guidelines under review by PCC 37
Editing records over time When to edit in AACR2? How (and why) to convert to RDA? What to do during interim period? Guidelines at PCC Web site: elines/Bib-Interim-RDA.html 38
Sample RDA record for print serial Annual volumes (continues a loose-leaf) A “cataloging of convenience” Demotion of author(s) 39
Sample RDA record for print IR Loose-leaf that had a fairly recent in toto replacement No change in edition statement Now continued by annual volumes cataloged as a serial 40
Thank you! Melissa Beck