German Holidays with Frau McDowell
January 1* | New Year’s Day (Neujahr) – New Year’s Eve (Silvester) is observed with fireworks! January 6 | Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige, Three Kings) – The arrival of the Three Wise Men is the last of the 12 days of Christmas. January 6 is a legal holiday in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland.Epiphany February/March | Mardi Gras (Fasching/Karneval) – In Catholic regions in February or March, depending on the date of Easter. March/April | Easter (Ostern) falls in the month of March or April. May 1* | May Day (der erste Mai – Tag der Arbeit) – Known in most parts of the world as Labor Day September | Oktoberfest (Oktoberfest) – In Munich. Two-week celebration beginning in late September and ending on the first Sunday in October.Oktoberfest October 3* | German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) – Germany’s national holiday commemorates the official date of German reunification, as specified in the 1990 Unification Treaty (Einigungsvertrag). German Unity Day November | National Day of Mourning (Volkstrauertag) – In November on the Sunday two weeks prior to the first Advent Sunday. In memory of Nazi victims and the dead in both world wars. Similar to Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day in the US. December 6 | St. Nicholas Day – Nikolaustag is when children get small gifts from Saint Nicholas (not Santa!).Nikolaustag December 24 | Christmas Eve (Heiligabend) is when families gather around the Christmas tree and exchange gifts in Germany and most of Europe.Christmas Eve December 25* | Christmas Day (Weihnachtstag) – December 26 is also an official holiday in German-speaking Europe.Christmas Day
Faschung/Karneval (Mardi Gras)
Ostern (Easter)
German Unity Day began October 3, 1990
Volkstrauertag National Day of Mourning in remembrance of victims of Nazis
Weihnachtstag (Christmas)