Cayuse Link: Login username and password are your Bronco Credentials (Blackboard and Bronco Direct credentials) The purpose of legacy is to bring in currently active and approved protocols from other sources, so that they become a part of the Cayuse database for the CPP IRB. They can be amended/modified, renewed, and closed through the system. version: January 29, 2016 LEGACY tutorial For Cayuse
Once you log in, you will be taken to your dashboard where you can see all studies for which you are a PI or co-PI or a faculty advisor. Look under the Tasks box or Studies tab to find your study, for example , and click on the study number. You will be taken to another page.
You’ll be taken to this page. Click on “Complete Submission” or “Edit” to be taken to another page.
You’ll be taken to the protocol questions, which are to be completed. Documents from other sources, such as the eIRB software, may already be attached. Complete the other three sections. Do not add any renewal or amendment documents. They will need to be added to another submission which the IRB office member will instruct you about, once this is submitted.
Once you have completed all required questions (all sections should have a check mark), you can click on “Complete Submission”. You’ll then be taken back to the study “homepage”…
The IRB office will be notified. Someone will walk you through the next step for renewal and or amendment. Please (irb- or call x3713) if you run into any issues!irb-