McCarthyism Communism becomes political
McCarthyism – Senator Joseph McCarthy (R, WI) -Promote his political career – anticommunism -Worked zealously to root out the communist menace he said existed in government, the entertainment industry, and education. -Member of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) -For years, McCarthy was one of the most feared and powerful men in Washington -D-Democratic Party was “soft on communism” - Played on the public’s fears after China became communist; Alger Hiss, a top state department official, was tried and later convicted for passing classified documents to the Soviets; the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb; Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg, had worked in a spy ring to pass atomic secrets to the S.U. They were convicted of treason and executed in 1953.
Anti-Communist Sentiment in American Society – Pic of poster for the film The Red Menace, Pushed the American political scene to the right (Republican). Any proposals that called for expanded government role in social programs was perceived as leading the country down the path to socialism -Texas – membership in the Communist party was punishable by 20 years in prison; New York City made citizens pledge their loyalty before obtaining a fishing license -Teachers and professors were often required to take loyalty oaths to maintain employment -Film industry was constantly under attack. -Many were blacklisted
Political Cartoon of McCarthy painting himself into the corner of the room -McCarthy never proved his conspiracy charges -His enormous political power waned and his supporters abandoned him -McCarthy shouted at a general, whose loyalty was unquestioned: “You are a disgrace to the uniform. You’re shielding communist conspirators…You’re not fit to be an officer. You’re ignorant.” -Passed a vote of censure against McCarthy in 1954 – he died of liver failure three years later