by Mrs. Hice
Harriet Quimby was born May 11th, 1875, in Michigan. Early Years
Harriett was described as “a tomboy full of verve and spunk who was prepared to try anything.” She was adventurous and out-going. Personality
She worked in California as a staff writer for the San Francisco Dramatic Review. She later moved to New York and worked for Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly as drama critic for the magazine. Careers
Harriet was very interested in automobiles. Once, in 1906, she went 100 miles an hour in a race car. She wrote an article about how she loved the speed and freedom she felt during that ride. Interesting Facts
Quimby traveled to Los Angeles to cover the first air meet ever held in the U.S. In October 1910, she accepted an assignment to cover New York’s Belmont Air Meet where she met John Moisant, an aviator who owned a flying school. She convinced Moisant to teach her what he knew about aviation Introduction to Aviation
She became the first American woman to earn a pilot’s license, license #37, on August 1st, She was known as an extremely safe pilot and was dedicated to pre-flight checks and the use of seat belts. She wrote a detailed article on how to avoid the dangers of flight. Parts of her article are still used in the pre-flight checklists current pilots use today. Life as an Aviator
Harriet passed away in an airplane crash. She was at the Harvard-Boston Aviation Meet and was practicing for the next day’s flying course. She offered to give William Willard, the organizer of the event, a ride in her airplane. While returning from this practice flight, Harriet’s plane crashed. Harriet and William were thrown from the plane and both died. Harriet Quimby loved flying. She was also known as a very careful and calm pilot. She made many contributions to aviation and will be remembered as one of flight’s first pioneers. Passing
~Flying~ Author Unknown
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