FNS TOWN HALL National Association of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs October 13, 2011
WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
FMNP History In September 1988, Congress authorized a 3- year demonstration project in 10 States with an initial funding level of $2 million. The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Act of 1992 established FMNP as a separate Federal program. The FMNP was reauthorized through 2015 in the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.
Where is FMNP Now? 46 FMNP State Agencies: 36 States District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands 6 Indian Tribal Organizations
FMNP Funding In FY 2011, $19.96 million in Federal funds was appropriated for the FMNP. Including unspent funds from FY 2010, over $23,283,000 was allocated in FY 2011 to State Agencies Funding for FY 2012 is ???
FMNP Participation In FY 2010, –2.153 million WIC recipients received FMNP benefits –18,245 farmers and 3,647 farmers’ markets and 2,772 roadside stands participated in FMNP.
Senior FMNP and WIC FMNP
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Program Highlights $20.6 million appropriated annually through FY Including unspent funds from FY 2010, over $22,226,000 was allocated to State Agencies in FY 2011.
Program Highlights –FY ‘10 Approximately 844,999 Recipients About 20,106 Farmers; 4,601 markets and 3,861 Roadside Stands 163 Community Supported Agriculture Programs.
FNS Studies Nutrition Assistance Client Shopping Patterns at Farmers’ Markets. Relative Value of Farmers’ Market Financial Incentives and Promoted Messages.
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