The “ODDFATHER” Do you think it is possible that Vincent Gigante genuinely fooled people for years into thinking he was mentally insane? Why or why not? What does it mean to be “crazy”? Is “crazy” the same thing as “insane”?
Abnormal Behavior When does behavior become abnormal? Some instances are very clear, but others are not so. Consider these scenarios…
Scenario #1 A male college student is popular with women and enjoys partying. His grades have always been fairly good, but recently he is having difficulty concentrating on anything but having a good time.
Is this person experiencing a psychological disorder? What criteria did you use to reach your conclusion?
Scenario #2 A 10-year-old has a mild developmental delay in motor coordination that makes his handwriting immature compared to classmates. Although his reading, calculating, and reasoning abilities are all normal or advanced, his handwriting makes him feel so self-conscious that he stops trying to get good grades and withdraws socially from other children.
Is this person experiencing a psychological disorder? What criteria did you use to reach your conclusion?
Scenario #3 A highly successful female lawyer is unmarried and, although she has many relationships with men, is unwilling to make a commitment. She feels driven to become a partner in her firm before the age of 28 (she is 27 now). Recently, she has occasionally found herself drinking to excess.
Is this person experiencing a psychological disorder? What criteria did you use to reach your conclusion?
PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS _______________________________ ►Any state that causes an individual great suffering or worry, is self-defeating or self- destructive, or is maladaptive and disrupts the person’s relationships or the larger community
PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS _______________________________ ►a person is unaware of his/her actions or cannot control their impulses
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – 4th Edition ( _____________ ) THE BIG BOOK OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS
★ Helps distinguish among disorders ★ More reliable diagnoses ★ Over-diagnosis ★ Self-fulfilling prophecy
_____________________ ►Panic Disorder ►Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ►Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ________________________ ►Depression ►Bipolar Disorder
_____________________ ►Antisocial Personality Disorder ►Narcissistic Personality Disorder ________________________ ►Dissociative Fugue ►Dissociative Identity Disorder I’d better check with the DSM-IV to see if I Suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder!
_____________________ ►Hypochondriasis ►Conversion Disorder ________________________ ►Schizophrenia