SBS Alert Web Console Senior Design 3 – February 28, 2005 Debra Sweet Barrett
Overview Project Introduction Background and Problem Statement Product Description and Intended Use User profiles Budget Project Testing Deliverables Project Demonstration Conclusion
Background and Statement of Problem SBS provides network and server device monitoring for Fortune 500/1000 organizations Support over 20,000 devices using approximately 10 different tools Each monitoring application has a main console Consoles are vendor specific and do not allow for other application event alarm traps to be received
Background/Statement (continued) Health alarm traps are currently being sent to pagers – problems are: No accountability No way of knowing who may have addressed an alarm No way to know an alarm was received on the pager
Product Description and Intended Use SBS NOC Web Alert Console Alarms received on a Web console Alarms are logged in a database for tracking, reporting and accountability One interface that is not tool dependent
User profiles Technical Support Engineer Engineers are expert/proficient computer users in various computer industry hardware and software Network Operation Shift Managers Mid-level computer user experience – view alarms/reports/online users Service Delivery Team Mid-level computer user experience. Console will be used to view reports
Budget Database Server Software Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (25-CAL) $11,099 (3) Microsoft Server 2000 Advance Server (25-CAL) 3,999 (4) Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 Enterprise Developer Edition 1,799 (4) Hardware Dell PowerEdge 1600SC, Dual Xeon Processors 2.4Ghz, 512K Cache, 4-18GB SCSI Harddrives, 1GB SD Ram 2,917 (1) $19,814 Web Server Software Microsoft Server 2000 Advance Server (25-CAL) $ 3,999 (3) Hardware Dell PowerEdge 1600SC, Dual Xeon Processors 2.4Ghz, 512K Cache, 4-18GB SCSI Harddrives, 1GB SD Ram 2,917 (1) $6,916 Hardware/Software Total for Project--> $26,730
Product Test Plan Alarm traps sent to both pagers and the Web Console. After the 4 week period the traps were discontinued to the pagers.
Deliverables Web based application that will post valid network and server event traps. Back end database to store alarms. Reporting will be implemented for event tracking, performance trending on a customer specific node and reporting. User manual will be created for new hire technical support engineers on how to do the following: Access the web site (the URL) Secure interface access via SI Domain accounts Read events on screen Screen options/enable customer filters Acknowledge and close alarms
Console Demonstration SBS Alert Web Console Demonstration
Conclusion Problems of server/router alarms Not sure received Not sure by whom No Reporting SBS Alert Web Console One stop tool for addressing alarms Reporting from Database Accountability