Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Microbiology Development Programme 13 th November 2013 Presenter : Rhys Blake
Microbiology Development Programme What is the Development Programme? In short – it’s an approach to organising the short and medium term work plan for the division
Why does Microbiology need a development programme? Massive agenda in the immediate 5 years Context of increasing demand for service development and a shrinking budget to deliver Tiny central team Microbiology Development Programme
Didn’t we already know there was lots to do? Yes! But…………. Service reconfiguration Service development Introduction of new technologies Development of the workforce Service sustainability…… Microbiology Development Programme
Without a structure……. Microbiology Development Programme
With a structure….. Microbiology Development Programme
So who is involved? Microbiology Development Programme
Programme Structure Microbiology Development Programme Programme Board Programme Delivery Team Service Development Informatics Laboratory and Clinical Governance Workforce Developme nt Communications & Engagement Service Sustainability Enablers Quality Assurance Work streams Bacteriology Automated Solution Rhyl Programme Board : Leading delivery of change for the programme and engage with stakeholders Programme Delivery Team: Advising and delivery vehicle for the Programme Workstreams: Managing and coordinating the delivery of the programme activities Enablers: Facilitating change through supporting programme activity as sees it fit Quality Assurance: Validating the programme’s impact on quality Programme Manager and Project Manager: Lead ing the core programme arrangements effectively to support change delivery being on plan.
Membership (Programme Board) Microbiology Development Programme Role Name Organisation/Group Programme Board ChairDr Quentin SandiferExecutive Director, Public Health Wales Board memberMark DickinsonDirector of Planning and Performance, Public Health Wales Board memberDr Robin HoweDirector Microbiology Division and Programme Director Board memberChristine MorrellDeputy Chief Scientific Adviser, Welsh Government Board Member TBC Full-time Trade Union Rep Board MemberTBCPathology Modernisation Representative Board MemberRuth DaviesExecutive Director HR, Public Health Wales Board Member Steve MurphyMicrobiology Service Manager Board MemberRhys BlakeProgramme Manager Reporting to the BoardFatima DowningProject Manager
Membership (Delivery Team) Microbiology Development Programme Role Name Organisation/Group Programme Director and Chair of Programme Delivery Team Dr Robin HoweDirector, Microbiology Division Programme Delivery Team Members Steve MurphyMicrobiology Service Manager Dr Peter JamesService Development Manager TBCCommunications officer & Chair Communications and Engagement Subgroup Margaret KrawieckaAssociate Finance Director PHW & Chair Financial sustainability Sub Group Michelle Hurley-TyresHR Business Partner Stephanie WilkinsTrade Union Representative Anne ThomasQuality Improvement Manager Martin JonesBusiness Manager Programme ManagerRhys BlakePublic Health Wales, Programme Manager Project ManagerFatima DowningPublic Health Wales, Project Manager Project SupportTBCPA
Core areas of work Microbiology Development Programme Engagement Develop a comprehensive communication strategy and infrastructure for the division and stakeholders Achieving agreement Communication capacity Service Development The development of a refreshed and updated service definition with a clear vision that fits within the strategic objectives of Public Health Wales Achieving agreement Transformation Continue to deliver, develop and undertake laboratory reconfiguration and consolidation Availability of suitable sites, configuration of existing sites Informatics Ensure the service has access to a fit for purpose informatics infrastructure. Planning and implementation of appropriate technology Initiatives such as LIMS and the development of other systems by third parties Availability of technology, funding Insufficient resources None identified Workforce Development Deliver a workforce plan that is sustainable and ensures access to the right expertise in the right place None identified Availability of suitable resources Service Sustainability The development and implementation of a sustainable model that maximises efficiency and secures the future of the service None in terms of development Implementing a change to SLA’s
Work plan contd….. To incorporate all laboratories currently not within the network: –Gwent –Withybush –Cwm Taf Microbiology Development Programme
Workplan To reconfigure the network to optimise benefits –Service consolidation within ABMu –Within Hywel Dda –Across the SE –N Wales in full swing… Microbiology Development Programme
Work plan…. Manage the introduction of automation across the network N Wales as a blueprint for an automated centralised laboratory Microbiology Development Programme
Phase 1 Microbiology Development Programme Programme Initiation Programme Planning Workshop Establish Programme Board Establish Programme Delivery Team Establish Sub Groups Convene first meeting of Programme Delivery Team Approve Programme Delivery Team Terms of Reference Convene first meeting of Programme Board Approve Programme Board Terms of Reference Approve Programme Definition Document Communications and Engagement Stakeholder engagement Trade Unions engagement Communication letters to staff Staff meeetings - all network Feedback to staff Develop Communications Strategy Agree process of regular staff communication(staff meetings, newsletters, website etc) Service Reconfiguration North Wales Service Re-configuration Phase 1a - Service consolidation (complete integration of Wrexham) Produce product close and lessons learnt document Phase 1b- Establish single service management structure
Phases 2 & 3 Microbiology Development Programme Phase 2- Bacteriology Automated Solution Rhyl Laboratory · Approval of funding from the Health Technology fund · Procurement process begins · Formal Award of contract · Purchase solution · Project Implementation Phase 3 - (service re-design) Development of new service model (operations /workforce) Produce business case Project team sign off business case Project Board sign off business case Develop detailed implementation plan Facilities design and site Supporting infrastructure Transport IT Equipment
Phase 4+ Microbiology Development Programme Withybush transfer to Public Health Wales Laboratory service to transfer under TUPE - PHW/BCUHB executive approval Service Development Laboratory Automation North Wales (see above ) Managed service contract All Wales LIMS implementation Informatics Horizon scan for likely developments High level scope of all future likely developments Production of a prioritised list to investigate further Production of detailed assessment of the potential new technologies on the prioritised list Production of business cases as appropriate Submission of Business case to Programme Board Governance Swansea/Bridgend Service re-configuration Revise and update service review documentation Consider Lessons Learned document form North Wales South East Wales Service re-configuration Revise and update service review documentation Workforce Development Scope implication of MSC on the service Develop plan to implement recommendations coming from MSC Financial Sustainability Post - implementation Review Programme Evaluation
In summary There is a lot to do A great deal has already been done Well placed to tackle the ‘challenge’ Microbiology Development Programme
The future? Unknown but with the structure and approach described we will be as well placed as anyone to deal with inevitable uncertainty and to ensure we have the right people deployed with the right skills to continue to deliver a high quality service Microbiology Development Programme