Class Forum: Documentary by Lucretia Massey-Mckerdy
Synopsis The documentary is about self love- looking at how people see self love, how society and the media has had a hand in how we view self love, ourselves and how people can learn to love themselves and improve their self esteem.
What inspired you to generate this idea? I wanted my last project to be educational and inspirational, so I played around with some ideas. The idea came to me one day while watching a talk show ‘The Real’ where they discussed there bullying experience and how they have coped with it. I found this sad and so I brain stormed some ideas and came up with this one.
What steps will you take to make sure the production will work? The first step that I will take to make the production work will be lots of research from reliable resources. An example of such a website is the Mind website; a website that gives a wide range of mental health problems from depressions to schizophrenia which aims to help people with mental health problems and help people learn about their mental health conditions, friends of people with mental health conditions and how people with mental health problems should be respected. Another way I will ensure that my project will work is to make a schedule that is flexible so I can focus on this work as well as my other assignments. So a good production schedule will help keep me organized and focused on one assignment at a time so I don’t get stressed which can effect my work as I get muddled easily and stressed easily which can effect my work. So I will create a production schedule that suit me and the people I will interview (as they will have other commitments ) so I can focus on one piece of work at a time.
What steps will you take to make sure the production will work? Another step I will take to ensure that this project will work is to find a range of people from different ages as self esteem issues can effect anyone and will give the audience an inside look at how self esteem can effect people and the audience can learn from their elders who have lived a full life and what they have learned. date accessed Monday 18th April 2016
What areas of the production you feel will have difficulty with? The will be some obstacles during and post production of the documentary such as: sourcing people to interview from different ages as I don’t know a lot of people over a significant age. Also people may be uncomfortable with the questions that are being put to them especially since it will be shown online to a vast amount of people on the internet. Some people find it uncomfortable to be emotional and answer such personal questions so that would be an obstacle that will need to be taken care of to combat this each person asked to give an interview will be informed that the documentary will be posted online and they will be told the questions put to them. Another obstacle that may appear during production will be to make sure the documentary sends out the right information to people which will be self acceptance and love; since self love is such a big topic it will be imperative to make sure the main idea will translate well on screen and not to branch off into something else.
Why do you think the idea will make an effective piece of viewing I believe my documentary will be an effective piece of viewing as it is a documentary that applies to a lot of people and makes people think about how they view themselves and how society has shaped and changed the way they see themselves. My documentary aims to educate people on self love, self esteem and self respect as well as giving them components on how to practice self love, self respect and help improve their self image. It also educates them about self esteem and social media (selfies and likes on social media sites) to some people it is an important part of their life as some people believe it shows how much people like them and how popular someone is.