1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 1 Which animal is not an invertebrate? A. lobster B. shark C. cicada D. earthworm Introduction to Animals Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapter 24
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 2 Introduction to Animals Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapter 24 What is the tough outer covering of most invertebrates called? A. exoskeleton B. endoskeleton C. endoderm D. mesoderm
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 3 Introduction to Animals Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapter 24 Which statement is not true of animals? A. Animal cells have cell walls. B. Animals are heterotrophic. C. Animals probably evolved from early protists. D. Animal cells become tissues.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 2 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions What is a group of cells that performs a specific function? A. organ B. tissue C. gastrula D. mesoderm
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 4 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions What is the term for an individual animal that produces both eggs and sperm? A. acoelomate B. hermaphrodite C. heterosexual D. invertebrate
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 5 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions What form of reproduction produces a new organism from the lost body part of another organism? A. budding B. fertilization C. parthenogenesis D. regeneration
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 7 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions Which is the dorsal surface of a hummingbird?
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 8 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions Which organism exhibits cephalization? A. jellyfish B. snail C. sponge D. starfish
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 10 Introduction to Animals Chapter 24 Why are sponges most distantly related to the rest of the animals? A. They are not multicellular. B. They do not have true tissues. C. Their embryos have a mesoderm. D. They arose from a different protist ancestor Formative Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 11 Introduction to Animals Chapter Formative Questions What is the term for organisms that remain attached to one place? A. sessile B. tactile C. axiallary D. sedentary
Distinguish between asymmetry, radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry and give an example of each. Introduction to Animals Chapter Assessment Questions Chapter 24 CAQ 2
Introduction to Animals Answer: Asymmetry – There is no symmetry or balance in body structure and no shape. Example: sponge Radial symmetry – The animal’s body can be divided along any plane through a central axis into equal halves. Example: jellyfish Bilateral symmetry – The animal can be divided into mirror image halves along one plane. Example: dog Chapter Assessment Questions Chapter 24 CAQ 3
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 3 Introduction to Animals Chapter 24 Standardized Test Practice Which reproduces by internal fertilization? A. bear B. clam C. fish D. frog
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 6 Introduction to Animals Chapter 24 Standardized Test Practice What characteristic do sponges and cnidarians have in common? A. body symmetry B. single body opening C. cell layers organized into tissues D. sessile attachment to surfaces
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 1 Identify the method of asexual reproduction used by flatworms. A. regeneration of body parts B. production of both eggs and sperm C. release of cocoons into the water D. production of spores Worms and Mollusks Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapte r 25
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 2 Worms and Mollusks Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapte r 25 To which phylum do roundworms belong? A. Turbellaria B. Cestoda C. Trematoda D. Nematoda
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 1 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 How do parasitic flatworms that lack a digestive system obtain nutrients? A. by diffusion B. by releasing enzymes C. through their ganglia D. through their flame cells 25.1 Formative Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 2 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions Which organs does a flatworm lack? A. muscles B. respiratory organs C. digestive organs D. excretory organs
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 6 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions Which is a general cause of roundworm infections in humans? A. contaminated fruit B. poor sanitation C. uncooked beef D. unwashed vegetables
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 7 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions What is the intermediate host for the roundworms that cause elephantiasis in humans and heartworm in dogs and cats? A. ascarids B. mosquitoes C. snails D. weeds
1.A 2.B FQ 9 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions What type of circulatory system do highly active animals require? A. open circulatory system B. closed circulatory system
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 10 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions Which is the most intelligent invertebrate? A. leech B. nematode C. octopus D. snail
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 13 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 In what group of animals are the earthworms, polychaetes, and leeches? A. annelids B. nematodes C. trematodes D. rotifers 25.4 Formative Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 14 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions Which muscles in an earthworm cause its segments to shorten, pulling the posterior of the earthworm forward? A. circular muscles B. latitudinal muscles C. longitudinal muscles D. ventral muscles
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 15 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions Which annelids are parasites? A. earthworms B. leeches C. lumbriculid worms D. tubifex worms
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 16 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r Formative Questions How are leeches different from parasitic flatworms and roundworms? A. Leeches have a mouth. B. Leeches feed on humans. C. Leeches do not have setae. D. Leeches are external parasites.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CAQ 1 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Identify the body structure that free-living flatworms use for feeding. A. hooks B. sucker C. pharynx D. cilia Chapter Assessment Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CAQ 2 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Chapter Assessment Questions Setae are useful to earthworms in what function? A. circulation B. response to stimuli C. movement D. excretion
1.A 2.B CAQ 3 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Chapter Assessment Questions Flatworms have radial symmetry. A. True B. False
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 1 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Which organism is a coelomate? A. flatworm B. mollusk C. rotifer D. roundworm Standardized Test Practice
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 3 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Standardized Test Practice What is a key adaptation in the digestive systems of free-living roundworms? A. digestive enzymes B. an advanced stomach C. multiple digestive organs D. one-way movement of food
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 4 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Standardized Test Practice How do nephridia enable mollusks to efficiently maintain homeostasis in their body fluids? A. They filter the blood and excrete wastes. B. They take in water and expel it from the body. C. They pump blood to open spaces surrounding organs. D. They transport a rich supply of nutrients to tissues.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 5 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Standardized Test Practice Which organism is a cephalopod? A. B. C. D.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 6 Worms and Mollusks Chapte r 25 Standardized Test Practice Which body system in mollusks is absent in flatworms, roundworms, and rotifers? A. circulatory B. digestive C. excretory D. nervous
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 1 What features do arthropods not share with annelids? A. segments B. invertebrates C. exoskeletons D. coelomate body cavities Arthropods Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapte r 26
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 2 Arthropods Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapte r 26 Which is not a body part of an arthropod? A. head B. tail C. thorax D. abdomen
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CDQ 3 Arthropods Chapter Diagnostic Questions Chapte r 26 An arthropod’s exoskeleton is made of what material? A. chitin B. silica C. bone D. cartilage
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 1 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Which characteristic of arthropods distinguishes them from annelids? A. segmentation B. bilateral symmetry C. coelomate body cavity D. presence of an exoskeleton 26.1 Formative Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 2 Arthropods Chapte r Formative Questions What are mandibles? A. feeding appendages B. grasping antennae C. pinching claws D. respiratory openings
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 5 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Which arthropods have five pairs of legs? A. insects B. lobsters C. scorpions D. ticks 26.2 Formative Questions
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 6 Arthropods Chapte r Formative Questions Which arthropods do not have antennae? A. beetles B. crayfish C. grasshoppers D. spiders
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 7 Arthropods Chapte r Formative Questions Which is a function of chelicerae? A. chewing food B. poisoning prey C. secreting silk D. sensing odors
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 10 Arthropods Chapte r Formative Questions What structures enable insects to detect touch, pressure, vibration, or odor? A. antennae B. hairs C. mouthparts D. tympanums
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D FQ 11 Arthropods Chapte r Formative Questions Which word best describes metamorphosis? A. alteration B. growth C. development D. transformation
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D CAQ 3 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Chapter Assessment Questions Which stage is absent for insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis? A. egg B. pupa C. nymph D. adult
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 2 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Standardized Test Practice What is the primary function of the circulatory system in most arthropods? A. to conserve water B. to deliver oxygen C. to provide energy D. to transport nutrients
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 6 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Standardized Test Practice Which is a stage of development in incomplete metamorphosis? A. caterpillar B. larva C. nymph D. pupa
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D STP 7 Arthropods Chapte r 26 Standardized Test Practice At which stage of metamorphosis does this organism behave like a feeding machine?