THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM BillNye-Respiration - YouTube
I. MAIN FUNCTION OF RESPIRATION * provide the body with OXYGEN it needs to have ENERGY and to grow * transport GASES to and from the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
II. RESPIRATORY STRUCTURES LUNGS * sites of GAS EXCHANGE * left (2 lobes) and right (3 lobes)
MOUTH AND NOSE * air FILTERS through the HAIRS * air MOISTENED and WARMED * lined with CILIA
PHARYNX * passageway for FOOD and AIR
EPIGLOTTIS * flap of CARTILAGE that covers the AIR passage when food is SWALLOWED * OPEN when breathing
LARYNX * VOICE BOX * contains VOCAL CORDS(two ligaments) beth's vocal cords
BRONCHI * TWO tubes that lead to LUNGS
BRONCHIOLES * smallest of branching BRONCHI
ALVEOLI * clusters of tiny AIR SACS at the ends of the BRONCHIOLES * covered with CAPILLARIES (tiny blood vessels)
DIAPHRAGM * dome-shaped SKELETAL MUSCLE * INHALE – contracts & moves DOWN * EXHALE – relaxes & moves UP How to save yourself if you're choking! - YouTube
CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley - CDC sends message with graphic anti-smoking ads - YouTube CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley - CDC sends message with graphic anti-smoking ads - YouTube