Co-ordination Action on Human Rights Violations (CAHRV) Coordinator: Univ.of Osnabrück, Germany 22 partners from: Austria Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Latvia Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom
Summary interpersonal violence = challenge to democracy and social cohesion awareness of violence needs to be extended to all vulnerable groups undeterred victimization detracts from other basic rights field typifies fragmentation in addressing human rights violations
Objectives: CAHRV will develop methods to account for and overcome fragmentation in research, policy and practice integrate research across gender and generational divisions connect research on violence with issues of citizenship and governance examine when policies and interventions are effective and how context affects transfer
Project Structure Four sub-networks Sn 1: Identifying and profiling victimisation Sn 2: The roots of interpersonal violence: gendered practices, social exclusion and violation Sn 3: Addressing gender-based human rights violations Sn 4: Protective environmental factors securing human rights
Major Deliverables SN 1: survey quantitative data sets, inspect instruments and design integrated data analysis SN 2: develop shared methodological framework for comparative research SN 3: create research synoposis to assist in evaluating interventions and measures SN 4: map research and build web-based information base