Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines Application PL Presenter: Ken Galica, City of Avondale Planning Division Avondale Planning Commission May 15, 2014
Background Old Town Avondale Business District (OTAB) Design Guidelines adopted in Establishes recommendations for site development, building design, landscape, signage, lighting, and public art. Applies only to private properties fronting Western Avenue between Central Avenue and Dysart Road. Very prescriptive document. “Historic Avondale” A designated area that includes much more than Western Avenue. Largely developed 3 or more decades ago. In need of design solutions that will enhance the historic character of the area but are also respectful of the limitations that properties face. Enhancements to public right-of-way would be beneficial. A vision of the City Council.
Public Involvement and Meetings HADDG draft on City’s website for comment. to interested parties seeking participation/comment. Neighborhood Meetings 6/20/13 and 8/22/13 PC Work Session 7/18/13 Council Work Session 8/12/13
Historic Avondale Boundaries
Purpose To provide a basis for understanding and assessing the design quality of proposed preservation, renovation, and new construction projects, both public and private, within the area’s boundaries.
Proposed Historic Avondale Design & Development Guidelines Section I – Introduction Section II – Historic Avondale Districts & Neighborhoods Section III – Historic Avondale Design Guidelines Section IV – Public Art Integration Section V – Preservation, Renovation, and Infill Development Section VI – Implementation Strategies Appendix A – Design Library Appendix B – Aerial Photograph Atlas
Districts and Neighborhoods Historic Avondale is not homogeneous. Era of development Architectural styles Land use General character Specialized guidelines for each distinct area required. Predominantly commercial areas: DISTRICTS Predominantly residential areas: NEIGHBORHOODS
Creative Arts District Focus: Enhancing walkability/bikeability Focus: Improving visibility/awareness (Wayfinding) Focus: Art-centric development Focus: Increase safety Focus: Plan for future parking needs Focus: Accommodate future “mercado” Architectural Styles: Territorial, Pueblo Revival, Art Moderne, Spanish Revival, Modern (limited)
Creative Arts District
Central Avenue Business District Focus: Improve pedestrian environment to link residents with essential services, schools, and churches Focus: Stronger street presence by locating buildings at street Architectural Styles: Open, but designs must incorporate historic-inspired elements
Central Avenue Business District
Dysart Road Business District Focus: Pedestrian enhancements to accommodate transit dependent persons Focus: Landscaping as a tool to lessen visual impacts of large parking lots Architectural Styles: Open, but designs must incorporate historic-inspired elements
Dysart Road Business District
Main Street Business District Focus: Create awareness of the prominent role Main Street played in transportation from 1940s-70s Focus: Tree planting adjacent to sidewalks to create shade for pedestrians Architectural Styles: Mid-20 th Century elements, including incorporation of colorful, attention getting illuminated signs and other “roadside Americana” elements
Eliseo C. Felix Industrial District Focus: Eliminate undesirable views from the perspective of public streets. Architectural Styles: Open
Founding Era Neighborhoods Developed: Late 1930’s through 1940’s Architectural Styles: Early Ranch, Spanish Colonial Revival, Pueblo Revival, and Early Southwest
Growth Era Neighborhoods Developed: 1950’s through late 1960’s Architectural Styles: Transitional ranch, Mid- Century suburban ranch
Contemporary Era Neighborhoods Developed: 1970s through present day Architectural Styles: Open
Section III: Design Guidelines Applicable to projects in ALL Districts and Neighborhoods. Designed to enhance the overall character of Historic Avondale and tie sub-areas together. Guidelines for: Sidewalks/plazas Patios Walls/Fences Site Furnishings Landscaping/Irrigation Lighting Signage Gateway Monumentation
Section III: Design Guidelines
The Historic Avondale Design and Development Guidelines will assist in: Creating a more walkable/bikeable environment. Fostering the area’s growing art movement. Increase awareness of Historic Avondale. Growing a sense of place. Allowing greater creativity in façade/building design while ensuring architecture is contextually appropriate in a given location.
Approval Recommendation
Discussion and Recommendation