Accurate and timely intelligence shared by all Effective tactics and strategies Rapid deployment of resources Relentless follow-up and assessment
2015 YTD Permits Approved by Number of Business Days (OBC) Number of Business Days Type of Permit Total Alteration Plumbing Permits Fire Protection Systems HVAC Misc. Structures Repair Signs Elevator Permit Wrecking New Building Addition Excavation/Fill Parking Lots Total % Approved 2015 YTD Permits Approved by Number of Business Days (RCO) Number of Business Days Permit Type Total Plumbing Permits HVAC Alteration Wrecking Repair Misc. Structures New Building Addition Excavation/Fill 45 9 Parking Lots2 1 3 Fire Protection Systems 1 1 Total % Approved
5/24/15 - 6/6/15 Permits Approved by Number of Business Days (OBC) Number of Business Days Type of Permit Total Alteration Fire Protection Systems Plumbing Permits HVAC Misc. Structures Elevator Permit6 6 Signs Addition Repair4 4 Wrecking Excavation/Fill New Building Total % Approved 5/24/15 - 6/6/15 Permits Approved by Number of Business Days (RCO) Number of Business Days Permit Type Total HVAC Plumbing Permits Alteration Wrecking Repair9 9 Misc. Structures New Building Addition 1 1 Parking Lots1 1 Total % Approved
DescriptionStatus Fire communicates to customer service representative all the information required for screening Completed Fire checklist drafted and reviewed by customer service shop Completed Health and Fire Checklist for Plan Review Completed Single point of contact for FireCompleted: Single contact is Fred Prather Fire department (fire suppression and fire alarms) involved in initial approval Item 5 presents a challenge for the Fire Department due to the fact that not all fire suppression and fire alarms submissions are in a digital format. Scanning the documents will add time to the plan review this process. In addition to searching for the pages to submit to the Fire Department for its review will add time to the process. Develop staffing plan to support 24 hour timeline for inspection Fire has made its Fire Specialists' permit inspection assignments their number one priority and we have also removed work assignments from their job responsibilities.
DescriptionStatus Health and Fire Checklist for Plan Review In process Health checklist drafted and reviewed by customer service shop In process Health communicates to customer service representative all the information required for screening In process Determine health representation at one stop permitting center In process
Description Status Confirm revision cycle and create policy to match future state design & building code requirements Completed
DescriptionStatus Receive all necessary information from IBICompleted Define process vision( for all departments) for electronic app. In Progress Permits Migration - Ongoing long term with financial dependencies: Long-term - CAGIS migration planning for enabling all permit applications to be avaialble online already in motion. Some components of the electronic application like wizard like process rests with permits vendor's development timeline and may involve purcase of that functionality in the future Process owner survey & training plan creation (Determine if staff is necessary)Completed Identify root cause & solution for cagis maps not having correct infoCompleted