1 R1 임준욱 Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy Use in 426 Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Stent Implantation Implications for Bleeding Risk and Prognosis JACC Feb.
2 BACKGROUND Atrial fibrillation (AF) - the most common cardiac arrhythmia, association with stroke and thromboembolism.->anticoagulation with coumarins. A management problem - long-term anticoagulation with coumarins is recommended as thromboprophylaxis because AF subsequently presents with ACS or PCI - > more bleeding complications. A lack of published evidence on the optimal antithrombotic management strategy. Objective - present a case series of 426 patients with AF undergoing PCI with particular attention to clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients, stroke risk factors....
3 A retrospective 2-center registry analysis. AF that underwent PCI with at least 1 stent implanted over a 5-year period (January 2001 to December 2006); all of the outcome data Permanent, persistent,or paroxysmal AF and those who developed newonset AF during their current admission were included in this analysis. End point definitions - primary end point: defined as the occurrence of MACE(death,MI, or target vessel revascularization.) - secondary safety end point - major adverse events (MAE) (any MACE, major bleeding complications, and/or stroke during the follow-up period. ) METHODS
4 Statistical analysis Continuous variables : Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The comparison of discrete variables : the chi-square test Comparisons of the groups for continuous variables :unpaired t test Survival analyses : Kaplan-Meier analysis, the log-rank test Etc.: stepwise Cox proportional hazard model analysis METHODS
7 5.6% 3.6% RESULTS
10 no anticoagulation use at discharge anticoagulation use at discharge
13 Patients with AF undergoing PCI with stenting. - represent a high-risk population owing to age,comorbidities, and the presence of stroke risk factors, as well as the relatively high incidence of acute coronary syndromes. The protective effect of the coumarins in patients with AF treated with PCI/stents - decrease the incidence of MACE. Age, nontreatment with coumarins – independent predictors of MACE Patients with AF treated with PCI/stents who have a low risk of bleeding complications - ‘ triple-therapy’ regimen should be the elective antithrombotic drug treatment approach. Coumarins plus aspirin after PCI < ticlopidine plus aspirin in preventing stent thrombosis Oral anticoagulation > dual antiplatelet therapy in stroke prevention => explain why triple therapy has been commonly used. Triple-therapy => increases the risk of bleeding. DISCUSSIO N
14 Duration - varied widely due to the use of DES(clopidogrel between 6 and 12months,bare-metal stents,1 month) “A recent meta - analysis with estimates of risk and benefit of coumarins plus aspirin after myocardial infarction” - at low or intermediate risk for bleeding, the cardiovascular benefits of coumarins outweigh the bleeding risks. Triple antithrombotic therapy - associated with a 7% major bleeding risk. DES - used in 40.1% of the patients and more frequently in diabetic patients. A multivariate analysis - there was no significant difference in the incidence of MACE. Prolonged dual antiplatelet administration & higher rate of stent thrombosis – DES should probably be discouraged in anticoagulated AF. DISCUSSIO N
15 Limitation of This study - not a randomized controlled trial - the changes of antithrombotic regiment in these patients during the follow-up period.-> relation to the presence of thrombotic or hemorrhagic complications. Treatment with coumarins at discharge - shows a beneficial effect on prognosis by reducing the incidence of death and MACE, and such benefits do not appear to be associated with a substantial increase in major bleeding events. Further large studies are required to assess the bleeding and thrombotic risk with various post-PCI strategies in patients with AF to facilitate the development of guidelines. DISCUSSIO N