LANGUAGE ARTS Students will be expected to: Speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences Communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically Interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose Select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies Outcomes To be continued
LANGUAGE ARTS Students will be expected to: Respond personally to a range of texts Respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre Use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imaginations Create texts collaboratively and independently, using a wide variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes Use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness Outcomes (continued)
LANGUAGE ARTS Teamwork Homework Lessons Study Strategies Language Usage Writing: narrative and expository Spelling / Vocabulary Development Short story / Novel Studies (several) Reading Skills (increasing focus on reading expository text) Special Interest Topics: Remembrance Day; Halifax Explosion; Artists; others related to student interest Areas of Study
LANGUAGE ARTS: Focus Refining students’ knowledge of the skills and strategies involved in the process of writing with emphasis on its five stages: Prewriting Drafting Revision Editing and proofreading Publishing and Sharing Refining students’ knowledge of the research process Refining students’ organizational and time management skills Improving students’ ability to read factual (expository) material and to study it Providing instruction and opportunities to practise various writing, reading, listening, speaking, researching, and study strategies
Learning to Write Analyzing well-written models of the expected form of writing Discussing the key elements of this form Developing and learning the template and/or checklist related to this form (its main ingredients) Practising the form using any developed templates and/or checklists of requirements Self reflection and editing Receiving feedback related to the practice piece Using the feedback to make improvements Having further practice opportunities Using the writing process in all areas of the curriculum Students can be taught to write through exposure to an intense writing program that involves:
MATHEMATICS GCO A:Number Sense and Theory GCO B: Number Operations GCO C: Patterns and Relationships GCO D: Measurement GCO E: Geometry GCO F: Data Management GCO G:Probability Strands
MATHEMATICS GCO A:Concepts related to Whole Numbers, Decimals, and Fractions; Factors GCO B: Whole Number Multiplication and Division; Decimal Operations GCO C: Relationships and Patterns involving Whole Number and Decimal Numbers GCO D: Perimeter; Areas; Volume; Capacity; Angles; Metric Unit Relationships GCO E: 3-Dimensional Geometry; Geometric Drawings; Terminology; Triangles; Transformational Geometry GCO F: Creating and Interpreting Various Graphs; Data Collection GCO G:Probability Curriculum
MATHEMATICS: Unifying Ideas Problem Solving: used to introduce new content, develop understanding of concepts, and provide real-life opportunities to practise operations Communication: talking and writing about mathematics allows students to share their mathematical thinking and to deepen their understanding of concepts, strategies, and procedures Connections: make connections to the real world, and to other mathematical concepts and to other areas of the curriculum that results in increasing interest and understanding Reasoning: engage students in activities designed to develop their ability to reason
SOCIAL STUDIES General Map Skills: An Introduction Discovering Canada Current Events (on-going) Remembrance Day (integrated with Language Arts) Halifax Explosion (integrated with Language Arts) Rights of the Child Exploring Our Heritage (including African Canadian, Acadians, and class backgrounds) Explorers Other Related Map Skills Tentative Topics
SOCIAL STUDIES: Skills and Strategies Knowing about locations related to the world, our country, and our province Working effectively in groups Collecting information through reading, lectures, newspapers, videos, and technology Learning the stages involved in the research process Presenting information in various ways including answers, maps, diagrams, graphs, paragraphs, and essays Refining map skills Learning about the importance of various cultures Developing a greater awareness and appreciation for other cultures Developing a greater awareness of current events Developing study strategies to use with content material Developing stronger reading skills related to content material
HEALTH GCO A:Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the body, body functions, and growth and development. GCO B:Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to active, healthy living. GCO C:Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of factors that contribute to healthy living values and practices. GCO D:Students will be expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to live happily and productively as an individual, within a family, and within the community. Outcomes
HEALTH Rights and Responsibilities Feelings / Personality Communication and Listening Skills Meeting Basic Needs and Maintaining a Healthy Body and Lifestyle Smoking / Drug Prevention Personal Growth and Development Body Systems and Functions Tentative Topics
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